
This repository contains code for performing Gaussian elimination using two types of algorithms. For more details see README.md

Primary LanguageC++


This is code for performing Gauss elimination in two ways:
1- Using parallel algorithm such as Messsage Passing Interface (MPI).
2- Using serial algorithm.

Structure of the input and output files

This code takes only square matrix as input. All files will be in .txt format.
Structure of the input files will:

  • Input matrix file will contain a square matrix of size NxN where N is the order of the matrix.
  • Input right hand side (rhs) file will contain a vector of size Nx1 where N is the order of the matrix.

Struture of the output file will be:

  • Output file will contain a solution in form of vector of size Nx1 where N is the order of the matrix.

Configuration of code for your own input

Four changes are required for changing the input and congiure the code according to your own input:

1- First change the order of the matrix to the new order that you are going to input (N).
2- Change the name of the input file to the name of the file that you are going input.
3- Change the name of the right hand side file (rhs) to the new file that you are going to input.
4- Change the name of the output file in the code to the name that you preferred.

Command for compiling code

First you need to install g++ and MPICH for compiling main_serial.cpp and main_block_divison.cpp respectively. Instructions are for using from terminal.

  • For compiling main_serial.cpp file
    • Use g++ main_serial.cpp
    • For running .exe, use ./<exe_file_name>
  • For compiling main_block_division.cpp file
    • Use mpic++ main_block_division.cpp
    • For running .exe, use mpirun -np <Number_of_process> <exe_file_name>