
Repository for Coding Practice of IEEE Members.


How to get started with CP/DSA?

  1. Clone this repository using this command - git clone

  2. Create a branch with your name and cpp. (e.g. devansh-cpp) git checkout -b <your-branch-name>

  3. Update the readme with problems that you've completed using the following template. Add new table for ever Problem Set and replace X with the Set No.

    #### Name - <your-name>
    #### Branch - <your-branch>
    #### Pset X -
    | Problem Link | Status | Submission Link |
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | Link 1 | Done | Sub-Link 1 |
    | Link 2 | Done | Sub-Link 2 |
    | Link 3 | Not Done |  |

    It'll look something like this -

    Name -

    Branch -

    Pset X -

    Problem Link Status Submission Link
    Link 1 Done Sub-Link 1
    Link 2 Done Sub-Link 2
    Link 3 Not Done Sub-Link 3
  4. Commit and push the code to your branch after these steps.

    git commit -am "day 1 update"
    git push origin <your-branch-name>
  5. You can find problem sets updated regularly on the cpp branch. git checkout <branch-name> can be used to switch between branched.