ADD Trends

An online fashion ecommerce store based on the React + Django tech stack.


ADD Trends is an online shopping system that provides solutions to minimize and optimize these costs. Authorized customers do not need to visit the store to pick up and return the products they need. They simply browse through their personal computer or mobile phone to visit stores and evaluate product descriptions and screen images to select products. Furthermore, store owners do not need to organize or display their inventory products. They simply enter product descriptions and prices and upload their photos. Simply, customers and store owners do not need to touch the actual product during the entire shopping and management process. Finally, the logistics center will deliver products ordered by customers or products ordered by merchants to their location. Customers can track the status of their orders until delivery, after which they can leave a review on the type of service they received. The payment and quantity of products will be recorded in the database through the feed. These purchasing, management, and distribution processes greatly simplify and optimize the retail challenge.

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of the project is to develop an online clothing store platform. The system aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • To design an online clothing store.
  • To provides a solution to reduce and optimize the expenses of customer order management.
  • To create an avenue where people can shop for fashion products online.
  • To develop a database to store information on fashion products and services challenge

Project Requirements/Features

Customer Module

  1. Customer can view all products without login.
  2. Customer can also add/remove product to cart without login.
  3. When customer tries to purchase product, then he/she must login to system.
  4. After creating account and login to system, he/she can place order.
  5. If customer click on pay button, then their payment will be successful and their order will be placed.
  6. Customer can check their ordered details by clicking the orders button.
  7. Customers can see their invoices on their email.

Admin Module

  1. Admin can provide username, email, password and your admin account will be created.
  2. After login, there is a dashboard where admin can see how many customers is registered, how many products are there for sale, how many orders are placed.
  3. Admin can add/delete/view/edit the products.
  4. Admin can view/delete/edit the customer details.
  5. Admin can view/delete orders.
  6. Admin can change the status of orders (order is pending, out for delivery, delivered)

Technologies Used

Front-End Technologies

  1. NextJS/React
  2. Axios for data fetching.
  3. TailwindCSS and SASS for styling.
  4. FramerMotion for animations
  5. React Hot Toast for pop up alerts.
  6. Context API for state management

Backend Technologies

  1. Python/Django
  2. SQLite for Database
  3. Auth0 for Authentication
  4. Stripe for payments, invoicing, etc.
  5. Cloudinary for image optimization
  6. DjangorestFramework for creating REST API.

Getting Started


  • Windows 10 or above or equivalent.
  • NodeJS and NPM should be installed.
  • Python should be installed on your system.

Installing and Executing Backend

  • Open the Backend folder in the code editor.
  • Then activate your python enviroment.
  • Install the requirements file in your env using the following pip command
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • After the installation, open the project directory in terminal and run the following command:
    python migrate
  • Now run the backend server using following commands
    python runserver

Installing and Executing Frontend

  • Clone this repo in your system and open the "Frontend" directory in terminal.
  • Type npm install to install all the required dependencies.
  • Also add the required OAuth and Stripe keys in the ".env" or ".env.local" file.
  • After that Start the frontend by using this command in this terminal.
    npm run dev
  • After that your frontend and backend should be running.


Contributors names and contact info

  1. Devansh Singh Kushwah: Developed the Front-End and Integrated with the Backend
  1. Abhay Gupta: Designed and Developed the Backend

  2. Devansh Dixit: Designed the UI/UX and animatiosn

Important Points

  • The title of this repository says ADD-Trends-Outdated because we are improving and upgrading this project with new technologies and enabling cross platform function. So don't worry about it.
  • You can feel free to contribute to this project.