This repository contains the code and implementation details of the CascadeTabNet paper "CascadeTabNet: An approach for end to end table detection and structure recognition from image-based documents"
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[Question] about Getting confidence score
#184 opened by phamkhactu - 1
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How to crop out the detected tables ?
#156 opened by Yugabharathi - 3
The show_result_pyplot() function using the newer version of MMdet has missing parameters.
#173 opened by wlhpange - 2
Installation instructions are outdated, dependent libraries are no longer available.
#182 opened by svetlozardraganov - 10
Demo not working properly
#172 opened by LidorPrototype - 0
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do you know how to make inference in GraphTSR?
#180 opened by MathamPollard - 0
New install instruction
#179 opened by hungtrieu07 - 0
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
#178 opened by TirumalaManav - 7
How to convert Google Colab notebook into python modular programming as individual file scripts
#176 opened by AGRocky - 8
Added two new classes(rows and columns) to data, but model is able to train only for column, not learning rows.
#175 opened by annusrcm - 0
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AssertionError: MMCV==0.4.3 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=1.3.17, <=1.7.0.
#171 opened by np-n - 1
Table Structure Recognition
#174 opened by skwskwskwskw - 1
Not detecting every cells
#158 opened by sanjaychamlagain123 - 6
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#157 opened by spratyush02 - 1
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Urgent Table extraction
#139 opened by PriyankaJain-1998 - 0
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can't download backbone model
#147 opened by myh12138 - 2
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TypeError: CascadeRCNN: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'num_stages'
#150 opened by meet1919 - 1
Inference colab notebook error
#165 opened by sangeethkumar1997 - 1
Results are not reproducible on custom datasets - Issues related to mmdetection, CascadeTabNet training on custom dataset
#164 opened by inkarar - 0
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ICDAR 2013 Measurement Tool
#162 opened by rudra0713 - 0
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Which file is the coordinate of the intersection point of the obtained cell
#159 opened by tangjiashan7 - 1
请问Table Structure Recognition中的代码是怎么使用的
#153 opened by tangjiashan7 - 0
ConfigDict' object has no attribute 'nms'
#154 opened by mohit-217 - 2
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run voc2josn ,KeyError: 'annotation'
#155 opened by tangjiashan7 - 0
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TypeError: "img" must be a numpy array or a str or a pathlib.Path object
#149 opened by yassinesefrioui - 0
Compatibilty with other models
#148 opened by Atul997 - 2
model result format
#134 opened by prateek28061994 - 0
Where is the train file?
#146 opened by myh12138 - 0
file "/content/CascadeTabNet/Config/" does not exist
#145 opened by KiranJ9 - 4
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can't download the provided datasets
#142 opened by zimenglan-sysu-512 - 0
The scanned document image is not good
#140 opened by weinixuehao - 1
Can I use MMdetection framework Version 2.x?
#137 opened by huwei1024 - 0
Correcting Path to optional.txt in Setup
#136 opened by MandyKwok