
This is a tkinter based GUI for tensorflow classifier to classify various products in real time

Primary LanguagePython


This is a tkinter based GUI for tensorflow classifier to classify various products in real time

You need to have these files before executing the file-

  1. model_file (By default at "tf_files/retrained_graph.pb") And
  2. label_file (By default at "tf_files/retrained_labels.txt")

Other Dependencies

  1. Python
  2. Tensorflow (CPU or GPU)
  3. OpenCV (cv2)
  4. Tkinter
  5. PIL

Once you have fulfilled the above requirements, go ahead and execute the gui_for_classifier.py file You will see the live video feed from your webcam in the frame on left side You need to click predict button to make a prediction Results will be shown on the right hand side. You can change appearance of your reults based on your labels. I have set Green if the label is other than not product which means product is a good product or correct product. Red if object or product is a false product and orange for not aligned

Sample screens based on my tensorflow classifier

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Youtube based video demonstartion will be comming soon