
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Here is a short FAQ about this repository

1) What is this repository about?

In this repository, we will explore how to use AutoKeras for classification and regression tasks.

2) What is AutoKeras?

AutoKeras is a Keras-based open-source AutoML framework. It was designed by the DATA Lab at Texas A&M University to assist in building high-performance models quickly without ML expertise. There are other tools with similar goals, but AutoKeras specialises in Deep Learning. You can use this library to create Deep Learning models without developing the architecture yourself.

3) Which dataset has been used?

For classification task - We will use the Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset available on the UCI repository. We will use the .csv version available on kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/uciml/pima-indians-diabetes-database).

For regression task - We will use the California Housing Prices dataset available in the sklearn datasets.

Details of this tutorial and the details of these libraries have been discussed in my article published on Analytics Vidhya https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2022/05/classification-and-regression-using-autokeras/