
Ansible provisioning configuration for webservers using nginx/php-fpm/mysql and Symfony2


Ansible provisioning configuration for webservers using nginx/php-fpm/mysql and Symfony2


  • nginx
  • php-fpm
  • php-cli
  • intl
  • PDO
  • mysql
  • symfony installer
  • phpmyadmin
  • composer
  • mailcatcher


Ubuntu box

Ubuntu Server Trusty 14.04 from Vagrantbox.es


Virtual Machine

  • NFS shared folders (sorry for Windows users... You should change your OS, really).
  • DHCP private network
  • Port bindings
    • 80 -> 8080 : web application
    • 8081 -> 8081 : phpmyadmin
  • Provisioning from Ansible provisioner, so you have to install Ansible to your Vagrant host (see Vagrant doc for more information)


This provisioning does not create a new Symfony2 project but only install the Symfony installer. It's up to you to create a new project (see Symfony2 installation doc) or clone your existing project in the sources folder (ignored by gitignore).


  • database_name: MySQL database used by project
  • nginx_project_root: project root used by nginx
  • nginx_project_name: project name used to write nginx log file


Run playbook locally

In case you are running this using Windows, you can play the playbook locally using the command:

ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local playbook.yml