My Joint Honours BSc Level 4 Computing Science Individual Project on Quantum Computing Simulators.
- MBS: The CircuitOptimiserCpp matrix-based simulator with QLI available.
- MFS: The final matrix-free simulator.
Ensure gnu++14 is available and run make run
in either of the simulators. For anything above the BaseCpp (requiring OpenMP acceleration), OpenMP must be available. The main()
functions in any of the C++ ones can be changed to run some algorithm or circuit. The makefile may need to be changed to appropriately link OpenMP depending on the OS. This makefile was last tested on a laptop running macOS 10.14.
To run a QLI program, enter it in the main.qli file in the QLITest folder. Then go into the main()
function of MBSPlusQLI and enter the absolute path to the QLITest folder on your machine. Finally run make run