
Testing out apollo server and client

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Running tests

npm run test


The test was looking for basket item count, which wasn't included in the design. I made some assumptions to get the tests to pass was that was the primary request for the test

Also I had to add a wrapper to the tests to get them to pass because we are testing a route and the route relies on all sorts of contexts and providers.I would use Playwrite to avoid all the mocking in the future, tests might take longer to run but they are closer to the user experience and a much better DX

I used Apollo for the GraphQL client (and server) just to test it out. Looking at the work invloved to get Apollo working with SSR SSG, (https://medium.com/@zhamdi/server-side-rendering-ssr-using-apollo-and-next-js-ac0b2e3ea461) I would probably just use a query builder and fetch and SWR or React Query so I don't need to write my own helpers for hydration to work with all sorts of deep merging and deep equality checks. This looks like an ecomm app so I would definitely want most of this to be rendered on the server not the client. Also I wouldn't store the basket state in context I would store it on the server. So if someone closed their browser and came back again we wouldn't loose their custom with a bad UX. I wanted to see if I could run the API in the same next JS instance in stead of a separate service. I hope this is seen more as a flex than going against the grain of the test. Again I haven't touched graphql since I was in Mixcloud 3-4 years ago so I wanted to see what it was like to write my own resolver. It also feels a bit neater.

With time I would have monorepoed this and had the UI components in a separte package, it also takes up the lions share of the types.ts so would clean up that file too. I also would have a more comprehensive them that used colour and token colours so I could write primary, buttonHover, etc, instead of tokenColour names like sohoLights.

I haven't given much thought into desktop breakpoints but I didn't have a design for this either.

I haven't tested this with a screen reader or anything other than chrome.

I ran out of time to write some more tests but I wanted to work on the beefier stuff first

It would be nice to have github action run tests on commits to PRs

Deployed on Vercel

Deployed App URL: https://product-test-pi.vercel.app/