
Listen2Help mobile app built with Flutter

Primary LanguageDart


A Flutter application to help therapists connect with their patients.

Contribution guidelines

  • One commit per subtask
  • Title in English, beginning with a verb in the present
  • The title must not reach 50 characters

Comments for the commits

  • Completed subtask: taskCode + title
  • Unfinished subtask: taskCode + WIP + title

Getting Started

First, get all the dependencies running:

flutter pub get

Change project environment

Quick access

Once you have your launch.json file with all the environment configuration, follow these steps below to run the desired environment in VS Code:

  • Show Debug: View > Debug or shift + command + D (macOS) or Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows)
  • Select environment beside play button: DEV, QA, RELEASE
  • Run the app: Click play button or F5


For terminal use:

flutter clean
flutter run --dart-define=env=<env_to_use> -t lib/main.dart

or, if you want more than one compile variable:

flutter clean
flutter run --dart-define=env=<env_to_use>,<another_var>=<another_value> -t lib/main.dart

according to the environment variables you want to use.

Make sure to run flutter clean before compiling.

Note: Android version require key.properties file (located at android folder) and .jks file.

More info about dart-define here.

Update version number

Modify version tag on pubspec.yaml file, run:

$ flutter run
$ flutter build

More info about versioning here.

Generate installer files


To generate android apk installer files, run:

$ flutter build apk

More info about deployments on Android here.


To generate iOS ipa installer file:

Open Xcode
Product > Archive
Runner > Distribute App > Development
App Thinning: None
Automatically manage signing
Export option
Exporting folder > Runner.ipa

More info about deployments on iOS here.


On your feature /views folder create an extra file for the localized strings in your view.

The file should be named <name_of_the_view>.i18n.dart.

Sample for i18n string structure here.

Full sample here.

Generated code


To generate new icons for the project, run these commands:

$ flutter pub get
$ flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main


You need to have FlutterGen installed on your computer, check the installation guide here.

You must run this command every time you make a change on your assets to see it available on generated code.

$ fluttergen -c pubspec.yaml

Freezed classes

Freezed helps us generate unions/pattern-matching/copy capable classes.

You need to run the following command to generate Freezed classes.

$ flutter pub run build_runner build

For more info on how to create Freezed classes, you can check here.