EPI809 (Biostatistics II)

Textbook: Rosner, B. Fundamentals of Biostatistics, 8th Edition, Duxbury. (same textbook as the one used in EPI 808).

Prerequisites: EPI 808, EPI 851, or equivalent.

Syllabus: See D2L

Course objectives: (i) statistical analysis of quantitative variables, including correlation, simple and multiple linear regression, analysis of variance and hypothesis testing in the linear model (t-test and F-test) and (ii) categorical data analysis, including hypothesis testing of proportions, analysis of contingency tables, and logistic regression.

Course description: This course will be useful to those interested on learning how to implement and understand statistical analysis of quantitative and categorical data. The primary focus will be on regression models (both linear and logistic regression) and on the analysis of contingency tables.

The course is organized in two modules:

  • Module 1: Correlation and linear regression analysis of quantitative variables (Rosner Chapters 11 & 12), and
  • Module 2: Categorical data analysis, logistic regression (Rosner Chapters 10 & 13)

The first module will take the first half of the course and will be the focus of the midterm. The second module will be covered in the second half of the course and evaluated in the final exam. We will use standard statistical packages such as SAS and R which are available in all computer labs on campus. This will aid in carrying out data analyses far more efficiently, than doing tedious “hand calculations”. Syntax/scripts will be provided. The main focus of will be on implementing these analyses and on interpreting the results obtained from the software.


Instructor Office Phone EMail Office hours
Gustavo de los Campos 775 Woodlot Room 1311 (517)884-7607 gustavoc@msu.edu Fr, 8:30-9:30am
Ana I. Vazquez 909 Wilson Rd, Room 627B (517) 353-8623 avazquez@msu.edu TBA



RMarkdown template

Module 1

Module 2