
A permissions plugin with Multi-Server and Multi-World support. I got tired of making a permission manager for each project I worked on.

Primary LanguageJava

MelonsPerms Build Status

A permissions plugin with Multi-Server and Multi-World support. I got tired of making a permission manager for each project I worked on.


# MelonPerms Configuration
# Leave Server UUID alone - It will be populated by the plugin upon first startup
server-uuid: undefined
  # How you'd like MelonPerms to store data
  mode: yaml
    # The data file to use
    file: data.yml
    # The MySQL server information
    host: localhost
    port: 3306
    database: minecraft
    username: root
    password: ''
    table-prefix: 'mp_'
    # How often to pull group and tracks (in case of changes)
    sync-minutes: 3
    # SQLite is often faster then yaml in cases where you have a lot of players
    # on a single server but ned to keep the database separate from mysql.

    # The data file to use
    file: database.sqlite
    # How often to pull group and tracks (in case of changes)
    sync-minutes: 3
  # Not currently used
  enable: false

API Examples

It's really easy to use MelonPerms in your own projects.

To get information about a user, use the User object. You can get the user object from an online player, a UUID, or the player's name.

User user = UserManager.getUser(player);

A User is null if they're not in the DataStore.

Say we wanted to make a chat plugin, it'd be as simple as...

public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {

  Player player = event.getPlayer();
  User user = UserManager.getUser(player);
  if (user != null) {
    event.setFormat(user.getPrefix() + "%s: " + user.getSuffix() + "%s");


If you make changes to a user's permissions, run:


And remember to save!



The commands for MelonPerms are pretty straight forward.

Group Management

[ ] = Required, { } = Optional

  • /p group create [Name] Creates a new group with a priority that's 1 higher than any existing

  • /p group delete [Group] Deletes a group

  • /p group inherit [Group] [To Inherit] Tells [Group] to inheirt permissions from [To Inherit]

  • /p group list Lists all groups, organized by priority, ascending

  • /p group prefix [Group] [Prefix|Remove] Defines a prefix for a group and automatically adds a space to the end. Say "remove" to remove a defined prefix

  • /p group priority [Group] [Priority] Changes the priority for a group. The lowest priority group is your "default" group. Groups with higher priorities will override the permission decisions of lower priority groups.

  • /p group server [Group] Toggles the current server being a supported server for the group. If no servers are defined, then all servers will support the group.

  • /p group set [Group] [Permission] {Negated} Defines a permission for a group. If {Negated} is true, then the permission will be negated.

  • /p group suffix [Group] [Suffix|Remove] Defines a suffix for a group. Say "remove" to remove a defined suffix.

  • /p group unset [Group] [Permission] Unsets a defintion for a permission.

  • /p group view [Group] Shows information about the provided group

  • /p group world [Group] [World] Toggles the provided world being a supported world for the group. If no worlds are defined, then all worlds will support the provided world.

User Management

[ ] = Required, { } = Optional

  • /p user addgroup [User] [Group] Adds a user to a group

  • /p user bukkitcheck [Player] [Permission] Performs a bukkit hasPermission() check on a player, for testing purposes

  • /p user demote [User] {Track} Demotes a user on the default (or provided) track

  • /p user prefix [User] [Prefix|Remove] Defines a prefix for a user and automatically adds a space at the end. Say "remove" to remove a defined prefix. User prefixes will override group prefixes.

  • /p user promote [User] {Track} Promotes a user on the default (or provided) track

  • /p user removegroup [User] [Group] Removes a user from the provided group

  • /p user server [User] [Permission] Toggles the current server being a supported server for the permission. If no servers are defined, then all servers will support the permission.

  • /p user set [User] [Permission] {Negated} Defines a permission for a user. If {Negated} is true, then the permission will be negated. User permissions will override group permissions.

  • /p user setgroup [User] [Group] Removes any existing group memberships (except the default group) and adds the user to the provided group

  • /p user suffix [User] [Suffix|Remove] Defines a suffix for a user. Say "remove" to remove the defined suffix. User suffixes will override group suffixes.

  • /p user super [User] Toggles a user being a super user. Super users have full plugin access regardless of OP or permission status. This command can only be run from console.

  • /p user unset [User] [Permission] Undefined a permission from a user.

  • /p user view [User] Shows information about the provided user.

  • /p user world [User] [Permission] [World] Toggles the provided world being a supported world for the permission. If no worlds are defined, then all worlds will support the permission.

Track Management

[ ] = Required, { } = Optional

  • /p track addgroup [Track] [Group] Adds a group to the provided track

  • /p track create [Name] Creates a new track

  • /p track default [Track] Changes the default track

  • /p track list Lists all tracks

  • /p track movegroup [Track] [Group] [Up/Down] Moves a group within a track

  • /p track removegroup [Track] [Group] Removes a group from the provided track

  • /p track view [Track] Shows information for a track