
This is a warehouse of projects from frontend mentor.

Stats Preview Info Card

This project is built in HTML and CSS. The card is a simple ui component that gives statistics information. It has a information section and a image. The image has a tint accent that matches the tint of the card theme. After working up the concept and making it responsive, I used a aws s3 bucket to make it live for inspection. Live preview here. I first laid out the html. I then created the css. After getting the css responsive I run it through the wc3 css validator. Then I used the autoprefixer to ensure my css works on other browsers.


The design was created to the following three widths:

  • desktop
  • 1000 px tablet / desktop
  • 500px mobile good for 375px



  • body bg color #023047 dark blue
  • card body #fff3a6 light yellow
  • text hl #da7f00 dark orange


  • text color #0F0F0F


Used Google Font for this project. Nunito

  • weights 400, 700, 800