
A node.js bot build using the discord.js library. Capable of serving a small number of servers, generally used for messing around with friends. Quirky, has no chat functions, and was built with no scalability or stability in mind. This is simply a messy project for experimentation and fun. Has a ridiculous amount of unmet dependencies and your normal abundance of '-npm install's Does not use any sort of sharding. Currently serving 2 personal servers and 1 team server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A node.js bot build using the discord.js library. Capable of serving a small number of servers, generally used for messing around with friends. Quirky, has no chat functions, and was built with no scalability or stability in mind. This is simply a messy project for experimentation and fun. Has a ridiculous amount of unmet dependencies and your normal abundance of '-npm install's Does not use any sort of sharding. Currently serving 2 personal servers and 1 team server.

User Code

The index.js file contains all the user-end code for the bot. Everything else is node js dependencies, npm packages, and their myriad of dependencies.

Discord.js API

Here is the Discord js API I used to build AuroraBot ontop of Node js.


  • index.js contains the user-code
  • For a list of all documented commands, type !cmds assuming ! is set as the trigger prefix. (Default)