
python/django ajax real time chat application without any sockets || Beginners friendly to practice with it || jQuery + AJAX

Primary LanguagePython


python/django ajax real time chat application without any sockets || Beginners friendly to practice with it || jQuery + AJAX

= For beginners - Learning Steps

  1. Basic Templating in django

  2. Model Migrations

  3. OneToMany & ManyToMany relationship

  4. Static, Tempaltes how to work with

  5. Load static files

  6. Basic form validations, error/validation messages displaying, redirecting, route/path protecting and more...

  7. Some basic stuffs about component designing

  8. Basic CRUD in django (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

  9. Real time chatting system in django + ajax + jquery/JS

  10. URLs Handling in django

  11. Data fetching from DB and passing to templates and displaying , looping etc in django

  12. Various conditions in general chat app and many more can learn beginners from this app/source codes

  13. Open Source [MIT] - Feel free to practice it or use it anywhere if u like :)

= Home Page image

= Input Data to init chat image

= Messsages in Group image

= Typing new message image