
This project contains the code necessary for a hack of trying to digitize a white board using ultrasonic sensors from an Arduino.

Welcome to WitEBoard. This is the product of my second Hackathon at HackUMass. We attempted to digitize a whiteboard by using ultrasonic sensors. Our original idea was to create an array of these sensors to track the marker which would be emitting a trigger signal for the sensors to pick up. The receiving sensors would have their trigger signals blocked, and from that they could then detect approximately how far the marker would be from the marker's trigger signal. Unfortunately, we found that the Arduino could only handle so many outputs and inputs while maintaining accuracy of measurements. So we decided to use triangulation in order to roughly track where the marker would be. This product is not perfect, however, we were able to trace where the supposed marker would be and was able to re-trace the output onto an HTML page. The code to do all of this is contained here.