BehaviorLibrary is a framework for creating behavior trees for game AI. It is free to use, modify, and redestribute as covered under the attached License (FreeBSD). Enjoy!
- afenix7
- Aljenci
- chimerakangtaiwan
- csp1223Shanghai,China
- daaoling
- den-mentieiKiyv, Ukraine
- elmernocon
- esengine中国上海
- FaronBracy
- fromsantoriniSeoul
- gaze2scz
- goshki@VigeoGames
- hekd
- hexiaoweiff8
- IntegerManLeading EDJE
- JayDown
- JesseTG@CorundumGames
- joustss中国-福建
- judah4Indie MMO Developer
- Katumies
- kimsamaBohemia Interactive Simulations
- lai3dSingapore
- leethirty
- lihaochen910Pixpil
- LongChauVNG
- majorikaKorea
- miximixim
- moto2002NetEase
- sFisherEChina.Hangzhou
- shyseanChina
- terrynoya
- ThinhHB
- x44yz
- xue2han
- yigitkahraman
- ZeroKill1024