Learner Handbook 2023


Body Corporate and Contact Details.
Governance and Management Structure.
      Key Information
            Information and Services
            Personal File
            Health and Safety
            Fees and Financial Commitments
            Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competency
            Problem Solving Procedure
Fees, Withdrawal and Refund Policy.
      Fees Free Policy
      Fees Refunded After Commencement of Full Time Paid Programme
      Bad Debts
      Fee Protection
      Consumer Protection Mechanisms
      Student Loans
      Student Allowances
      Living Costs Loan
      Course Related Costs
Student Feedback and Evaluation.
Academic Records and Privacy.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
Policies and Procedures.
      Enrolment Policy
      Campus Rules and Regulations
      Expectations of Students
      Attendance Policy
      Disciplinary Procedure
      Health and Safety
      Drug and Alcohol Policy
      Smoking Policy
      Fire Evacuation Procedure
      Equal Education Opportunities Policy
      Appeal of Assessment
      Review and re-mark of Assessments
      Review Process
      Plagiarism and cheating
**Assessment Appeal Form.
Suggestions and Complaints.
Complaint Form.
Student Guidance and Support.
Term Calendar
Term Dates 2023
Guidance and Support Contact Information.
Cultural Appropriateness.


Our team is pleased to have you on one of our programmes at Developers Institute. This Handbook applies to all students enrolled on a programme at the Developers Institute. It contains important information pertaining to your study. Some programmes will have additional expectations that will be made clear to you during the enrolment process. This handbook outlines the key requirements and expectations of students, as well as ensuring that you have information about your rights and health & safety while participating in study with us. All of us who work at Developers Institute have your best interests at heart and our collective skills and knowledge are at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is any way in which we can help. Your first point of call will be your Instructor, however we have an open door policy to ensure that you get your needs met.

Signed - Academic Director

Body Corporate and Contact Details.

Organisational Contact
Name Mr George Norris
Position Director and CEO
Email george@developersinstitute.ac.nz
Key Academic Contact
Name Ms Ruth Green-Cole
Position Director and Academic Director
Email ruth@developersinstitute.ac.nz
Campus Address
Address Developers Institute
59 Bank Street
City Whangārei 0110
Country New Zealand
Phone (09) 430 0556


Ownership Structure and Relationships

Developers Institute Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Entelechy Group Limited. All Developers Institute activities and decision-making are separate for Entelechy Group (shareholder) and any other subsidiary of Entelechy Group.

Developers Institute is a registered training establishment by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020 and its subsequent amendments.

The Developers Institute is primarily focused on the delivery of web design, web development and software development education within the Northland Area of New Zealand, specifically in Whangārei.

Governance and Management Structure.


Our team of Directors, governance board and advisors have extensive knowledge and experience in the software development and the education sectors. This experience ranges from entrepreneurship, sales, marketing and business development and software development. The team also has extensive experience in tertiary education management, quality assurance and regulatory compliance, TEC funding, International education, pastoral care services and curriculum development.

Governance Board
Position Name Education
Director George Norris PGDip Business Administration
Director Ruth Green-Cole Master of Arts with First Class Honours in Art History
National Certificate in Adult Education and Training
Post-Graduate Diploma of Arts with Distinction in Art History
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Senior Management Team
Job Descriptions Name Role Priorties
CEO George Norris Governance, Strategy, Financials, EPI’s and KPI’s, Culture, Stakeholders, Māori.
Academic Director Ruth Green-Cole Academic Operations, Programme Delivery, Academic Compliance and Quality Assurance, Reporting, EER, External Moderation



At Developers Institute our purpose is to use education and technology to transform people's lives.

We created Developers Institute for those who have a keen interest in technology, are looking for a legitimate pathway to landing a job, and need a learning environment that will genuinely prepare them for the working world.

Developers Institute is software development education delivered by real developers. We're passionate about creating a world where more people are working in technology and reaching their earning potential. Our founding team saw that education on its own wasn't enough, so we set about creating a true pathway to employment.


Our vision is to provide accessible, affordable and transformative vocational education, which leads to meaningful employment to build a more equitable society. We believe our purpose is to help people to realise and reach their full potential through education, training, jobs and encouraging growth in the technology sector in Northland.

Key Information

The following information indicates what students can expect from Developers Institute Limited. A full copy of the Education and Training Act 2020 and its subsequent amendments is available from the Academic Directors office.

Students can expect fair and equitable treatment from Developers Institute and its employees. All students of Developers Institute are entitled to the following:

Information and Services

  • Receive full and accurate information before enrolment about all key aspects of a programme, fees, refunds and withdrawal processes.
  • Be informed of start dates and obligations.
  • Be provided with information on student support services and which members of staff are able to assist in specific areas.
  • Receive competent and effective teaching from appropriately trained staff, qualified in the relevant field of teaching.
  • Have access to appropriate members of staff to discuss problems.
  • Have access to the student regulations and information on the appeal and review process.

Personal File

  • Have access to their own personal file on request within a reasonable time period.
  • Have a copy of their academic record on request.


  • Be free from all forms of harassment by staff and by other students.
  • Have information on harassment policy and procedures.


  • Confidentiality of student records unless prior permission of the student is given.
  • Have personal information treated with absolute confidentiality, subject to statutory disclosure, unless written approval is given.
  • Have information on disciplinary proceedings remain confidential unless authorised by the student.

Health & Safety

  • Have an efficient and holistic student working environment that meets all standards of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and the Health and Safety and Employment Act 2012 appropriate to the field of learning.
  • Have buildings and fittings in reasonable condition in keeping with public health and safety standards.
  • Have displayed safety signs in buildings and on roadways where restrictions apply.

Fees and Financial Commitments

  • Have the total costs, and other financial commitments associated with the programme or training scheme for which they are seeking enrolment on, fully available on the Developers Institute website. www.developers.ac.nz
  • Have Student support available, that is included in the fee structure on all Developers Institute programmes.

Recognition of Prior Learning and Current Competency

  • The prior learning of students will be taken into account in designing a training pathway, and adjustments will be made according to attendance requirements and units offered.
  • Students who wish to have prior learning assessed will be given the recognition of prior learning procedure information and the procedure will be followed.
  • If a student wishes to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning / Recognition of Current Competency, please see Administration for assistance.


  • Be adequately informed about the quality of their academic performance and progress.
  • Receive marked assessments promptly usually no later than three weeks (15 working days) after the due date.
  • Be able to apply for a review of any assessment that a student believes is incorrect or unfair.
  • Be entitled to a re-mark if they consider their work has been incorrectly marked. Re-marking may be an internal or external process.
  • Be able to appeal against an independent assessment where the student is not satisfied with the result by a written request to the Academic Director.
  • Request that assessments be conducted in Te Reo Māori except in the instance where the use of English is critical to the outcome of the assessment.

Problem Solving Procedure

Use the following procedure where a student has a problem relating to a course, or personal conflict with a fellow student or a member of staff.

  1. Identify the problem and discuss it at a mutually arranged time with the person concerned. Assistance in identifying the problem can be sought from Developers Institute staff.
  2. Have access to another person to mediate the problem.
  3. Have access to the Wellbeing Manager if the problem still cannot be resolved. A student representative may provide support. If the problem concerns a complaint against a staff member the Wellbeing Manager or other staff member is obliged to inform the student of the formal complaints procedure and may recommend that such a complaint be filed.
  4. The right to the formal complaints procedure, if it is recommended that such a complaint should be filed. The complaints procedure is available in full in the Student Concerns, Complaints, Academic Appeals and Disciplinary Policy available on the website or at Reception.

Fees, Withdrawal and Refund Policy.

Fees Free Policy

From 1 January 2018, tertiary education will be fees-free for eligible first time tertiary students. Broadly, if you’re a New Zealander who finished school in 2017, or later, you may qualify for a year of fees-free provider-based tertiary education or two years of industry training in 2018. If a prospective student is not a recent school leaver, and they have done less than half a year of education or training (including tertiary study in any other country), they may also qualify.

Students can find out whether they are eligible on the fees-free website, www.feesfree.govt.nz/ or discuss your options during your selection interview.

Fees Refunded After Commencement of Full Time Paid Programme

If a student withdraws within the first eight days after commencement of a programme, a fee refund will be due. Note: If fees have not been paid to Developers Institute, a refund will not be given. With effect from 2 June 2018, domestic students withdrawing from courses of less than three months duration are entitled to a refund, under section 357(3A) of the Education and Training Act 2020. Domestic students are entitled to a refund if they withdraw from a programme or training scheme as per section 357 of the Education and Training Act 2020, and if: the course is of three months duration or more and the withdrawal occurs up to the end of the eighth (8) working day after the start of a course. Formal withdrawal within the first eight (8) working days of the programme is confirmed by the completion and return of the Cancellation/Withdrawal Form to the Programme Coordinator. The Academic Director shall have been communicated with (by the Programme Coordinator) and signed off the form for the withdrawal to proceed. The date of withdrawal is deemed to be the date the student returns the signed Cancellation/Withdrawal form. The Developers Institute will refund an amount equal to the sum of the amount paid. Any due refunds will be available within fourteen days of notice of withdrawal. Please see Student Refunds, Withdrawals and Fee Protection Policy for further information.

Bad Debts

Where money is due to Developers Institute and not paid as due, or arrangements made and adhered to, Developers Institute reserves the right to refer debts to a Debt Collection Agency. If this occurs, all costs associated with debt collection will be added to the debt owed to Developers Institute.

Fee Protection

All fees (eg: administration fees, accommodation fees, student fees, or student services costs) are to be paid directly into the Public Trust Standard Trust Account, however any fees that are paid to Developers Institute will be deposited into a Standard Trust Fee Protect account held by the Public Trust the following working day upon receiving the fees from the student. This arrangement has been accepted by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority as meeting the requirements of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the Student Fee Protection Rules 2021.

Students will receive a copy of their ‘Fee Protect Student Acknowledgement Form’, which includes a ‘Payment Schedule’ showing how their student fees will be paid out to Developers Institute over the length of the programme they are enrolled in.

In the unlikely event of insolvency, regulatory or voluntary closure, student fee protection is assured to all Developers Institute students paying fees of over $500.00 and meets the requirements of NZQA.

Students can view further information or access refunds of fees by contacting The Public Trust by calling 0800 494 733 or visiting www.publictrust.co.nz/fee-protect Note: Notices will be posted on the NZQA website (www.nzqa.govt.nz) regarding any meetings for students affected in the unlikely event of Developers Institute’s closure.

Consumer Protection Mechanisms

Prior to Developers Institute being eligible to receive subsidies for student tuition, our accountants and auditors and the Ministry of Education’s accountants, rigorously check the financial status to ensure the student is not enrolling in an organisation that is financially unstable, and the Ministry of Education is not funding an organisation that is likely to go into liquidation or receivership.

Student fees are protected upon enrolment and payment of the programme fees. In the unlikely event of Developers Institute being forced into receivership or liquidation, the tuition fees will be protected under the Student Fee Protection Trust Account. The unused portion of tuition fees will be reimbursed to the student.

Student Loans

Students should recognise this money is loaned to them to pay for their education. The fees loan, and programme related cost loan, is not for private use. We ask that, having taken on this commitment, you put your best and ongoing effort into your education with us, to ensure you achieve your goals in education and employment. Developers Institute is committed to giving value for your investment in your future. If you are unsure of anything loan related, please check with the Academic Director to ensure everything is correct. Please note: If you don’t meet the course passing requirements you may not be able to get a student loan or allowance for any future study, unless it’s for reasons beyond your control (for example you’ve had something significant happen in your life which means you failed your course e.g. you had a serious illness etc).


If any documentation is not correct for processing, delays will occur. We suggest you take the time to have another individual check your applications and retain copies in an attempt to avoid delays. Note: StudyLink, under the Ministry of Social Development, operates Student Loans and Allowances. The initial point of contact for applications can be done through the internet. http://www.studylink.govt.nz or phone 0800 88 99 00.

Student Allowances

These are grants paid to students to cover living costs while in education at tertiary level. Applications for allowances must be obtained from StudyLink. We suggest you apply for your allowance six weeks before the commencement of your programme. Ensure you reply promptly to any requests for further information. Note: This is a means-tested allowance. You will need to contact StudyLink regarding your eligibility.

Living Costs Loan

This is extra student loan money that is available to assist with living costs during the programme. If a full student allowance is received, no living costs loan will be available to most students.

Course Related Costs

You can claim course-related costs from StudyLink at any stage during your study if you're studying full-time. Important information - Course-related costs are part of a Student Loan so you'll need to pay them back. If you're eligible, you can get a maximum of $1,000 every 52 weeks, it doesn't matter how many courses you're studying during this time. Developers Institute supplies students with access to computers and software subscriptions which are included within the course fees. There are no requirements for students to provide their own technology equipment unless they wish to do so. Please see the Academic Director if you are planning to Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT).

Student Feedback and Evaluation

We encourage student feedback and evaluation of our learning materials and teaching processes, to monitor and improve the quality of the student learning experience through the collection, use and reporting of this feedback.

We are continually reviewing all of our material, and record any feedback so that we can ensure our resources are relevant, correct and appropriate for each programme and the purpose they have in the current industry. At the end of every assessment, there is an opportunity for students to provide feedback about their learning experience and to compete self-reflection activities.

Feedback processes are anonymous, systematic, rigorous and respectful of the rights of students and staff, and incorporate strategies to maximise student participation. Full privacy and confidentiality will be ensured at all stages of the process.

For every course, a Student Experience Questionnaire, Course Evaluation Questionnaire and Teaching Survey will be administered as well as a Programme Survey and Graduate Outcome Survey (for graduates only) which are administered annually. A set of questions is constructed and will form the basis of the survey deployed to systematically evaluate student experience at the Institute.

A range of other feedback mechanisms will be employed when appropriate including student representatives on the Programme Committee and Academic Board, focus group meetings and informal student comments. The digital suggestion box will be shared with students on commencement of programme.

All students will be provided with the opportunity to provide feedback in full confidence of anonymity.

Student Feedback will be used:

  • to improve the quality of courses through the development of annual improvement plans;
  • to inform the professional development needs of academic staff; to enhance course and unit design;
  • to improve the provision of learning resources, facilities, equipment and services through the development of annual improvement plans;
  • to compare and benchmark the Institute’s performance against the sector or other providers.

The team at Developers Institute are committed to meeting student needs and ensuring ongoing success. You will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on your Tutor and the programme you attend during the year through the evaluation process.

Please see Developers Institute’s Student Feedback Policy for more information on Learner feedback and Evaluation.

Academic Records and Privacy.

Students have the right to have their personal details protected and only given out to legitimate agencies for statistical and recording purposes. Make sure to let us know if any of your personal details change. This is so important, as we do not want you to miss out on any information that you are entitled to have.

New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) is based in Wellington. NZQA sets the standard of New Zealand Qualifications.

Developers Institute Limited is an approved training provider that must abide by the requirements of NZQA for the delivery of teaching and the assessment of learning. Developers Institute has a Quality Management System and is evaluated and reviewed by NZQA to ensure compliance. The New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) was established by NZQA to be the national register of approved Unit and Achievement Standards.

Policies and Procedures.

There are a number of policies and procedures that will affect you during your programme of study at Developers Institute. These are detailed in the following pages, with full policies available upon request. Enrolled students will have access to full student policies upon commencement of their programme. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries.

Enrolment Policy

Rules and Regulations

These rules and regulations must be respected at all times by all individuals.

All students need to show up prepared to learn, co-operating at all times in the hope that you will learn new skills to help you progress to higher level study, or gain full-time employment.

All students are asked to:

  • Treat other students and tutors with respect at all times
  • Take into account the learning needs of others at all times
  • Turn up to training every day on time and to follow the set breaks
  • Follow the direction of the staff, or person in charge of Health and Safety matters
  • Wear tidy, clean clothing or attire appropriate to the programme
  • Remove hats/caps during training meetings and recorded sessions.

Failure to behave in accordance with the rules and regulations may result in a participant being asked to leave the programme.

Complaints may be addressed in the first instance to Developers Institute, to your Tutor or Academic Director followed by the Quality Commission and finally to the funding agency or NZQA.

Under no circumstances are students to:

  • Display or wear gang affiliations of any type including patches, colours, scarves, markings, symbols, etc
  • Damage or take the property of any other person or organisation
  • Act in a manner which will jeopardise their own or someone else’s safety.
  • Arrive under the influence of, or consume on the programme - alcohol, drugs, other illegal substances
  • Be abusive or aggressive towards staff or other students and to treat equipment with disrespect
  • Use foul language or to spit
  • Have offensive weapons in your possession
  • Eat or drink in the classrooms
  • Use a mobile phone during class time
  • Have electronic devices on while training with Developers Institute, unless it is required for training purposes

Expectations of Students

  • Students have signed a contract to accept Developers Institute rules.
  • Students are expected to attend their programme or work experience every day.
  • Students are expected to turn up on time.
  • If students are unable attend classes or organised meetings, students are required to complete an attendance form or notify their tutor/group of absence.
  • If Developers Institute staff have not heard from a student they will be contacted by phone and email daily, until they let us know if they are returning.
  • If contact is not made within 5 working days a student will be given a written notification that they are likely to be withdrawn from the programme. If contact is not made during the following week after the receipt of the letter, the student will be withdrawn from the course and their student allowance or benefit will be affected.

Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend all lectures, tutorials, practical classes, demonstrations, assessments and examinations required by the programme of study in which they are enrolled. Public Holidays are observed. Some programmes have allocations for self-directed learning days for additional study and these will be advised by your Tutor.

Your Tutor will also ensure that you understand the correct start, finish and break times for the programme you are attending. Students are required to be punctual for classes and to be present for the duration of the class.

Break times may vary from time to time, as the nature of the industry you are training for may require flexibility and this will be practiced while you are studying.

Students are required to attend the programme except under the following circumstances:

  • Illness - to be accompanied by a medical certificate after three days (a copy must be held on the student’s file).

If a student is unable to attend because of ill health or any other reason, they must have made contact with the Tutor or Academic Director no later than 9am.

Students must comply with the programme regulations for notification of absence due to illness or other circumstances as required for each course in which they are enrolled

These conditions apply to all students on a programme at Developers Institute:

  1. Medical certificate must be supplied if a student is away sick for THREE or more days.
  2. If consistently late starting in the mornings or back from breaks, this will result in a warning from the Tutor and noted in the additional notes on the students file.
  3. If a student is absent for three consecutive days without any contact, the Tutor and/or Academic Director will try to make contact with the student by phone and arrange learning conversation.
  4. If no contact is made, the Academic Director will send a letter to the student advising them that their Student Allowance will be affected if they do not make contact or return to the programme.
  5. If there is no contact within 5 days of absence, the Academic Director will follow the withdrawal procedures 7.2 set out in the Student Refunds, Withdrawals and Fee Protection Policy.
  6. Once this process has been actioned, the Academic Director will contact StudyLink to advise them to cancel any payments the student is receiving as part of a student loan (Living Costs) or a student allowance. Work and Income and/or Youth Service will be notified if appropriate.
  7. A minimum of 90% attendance is required as part of the criteria to achieve the graduation certificate for any fee paying programme. The 10% allowance is to allow for sick days or special circumstances leave.
  8. If a student does not attend the first two weeks of a programme or course, the enrolment in that programme and/or course(s) will be cancelled unless the student enrols after the first two weeks of the programme (i.e. late enrolment).

Disciplinary Procedure

Gross violation of the rules and regulations may result in a stand down period.

  1. An oral warning will be issued stating the nature of the offence.
  2. A written warning will be issued stating the nature of the offence.
  3. The student will be required to leave the programme if the behaviour persists.

Note: In the case of persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the student will be asked to leave the programme immediately and the above dismissal procedure will follow.

Students who are suspended or expelled are not eligible for any refund of any fees of any balance of their qualification.

Please refer to the Student Concerns, Complaints, Academic Appeals and Disciplinary Policy for full information on the process and procedures regarding the Disciplinary Procedures.

Health and Safety

Developers Institute will provide an environment which is safe for all students and staff.

  • Your first responsibility is to keep yourself safe.
  • Your second responsibility is to ensure that your actions do not endanger the safety of others.
  • Please inform your Tutor of any hazard you identify.

Your health and safety is important to us in all of the environments you encounter while training. While on your programme your health and safety is the combined responsibility of the Developers Institute, you for your own study environment.

Developers Institute have the responsibility to:

  • Ask you if you have any medical problems, which could increase the risk to your health and safety.
  • Understand and abide by the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

You have the responsibility to:

  • Behave in a responsible manner.
  • Notify your Tutor of any medical problems, which could increase the risk to your health and safety e.g. epilepsy, asthma, allergy to bees, prone to fainting etc.
  • Notify your Tutor if you identify any health and safety concerns.
  • Talk to your Tutor if you require any additional information about Health and Safety during your training programme.

Note: If you choose to use your own vehicle (or choose to travel in another student’s vehicle) to travel to or use during an extracurricular activity or field trip, Developers Institute accepts no liability for any injury or damage to any person or property.

During any field trips or industry visits, it is the visited premises owner’s responsibility to:

  • Notify you of any hazards on their property.
  • Document, investigate and notify Developers Institute of any serious accidents that occur.
  • Understand and abide by the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

Developers Institute full Health and Safety Policy can be made available upon request.

Drug and Alcohol Policy

  • No person is permitted to attend classes and meetings who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Developers Institute will provide Health Education.
  • All staff are responsible for monitoring rules.
  • Counselling will be available.

In any instance where the Drug & Alcohol policy is not adhered to, the Disciplinary Procedure will be practiced.

Smoking Policy

  • Developers Institute will provide Health Education.
  • Smoking of illegal substances is prohibited at all times.
  • Times allocated for breaks will be observed.
  • All staff are responsible for monitoring rules.

Note: Developers Institute encourages health and wellbeing and works closely with support agencies including Ringa Atawhai Health Trust through their Quit Smoking programme, if you would like more details for this please see your Tutor or the Administrator.

Equal Education Opportunities Policy

Developers Institute supports the principles of Equal Education Opportunities as a means of ensuring all students have equal opportunity to achieve their potential.

The company’s recruitment and promotion are designed to ensure equal opportunity for all individuals.

Programme entry criteria will be fair and consistent with those criteria set down by either the funding agency or the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

There will be no discrimination on any of the following grounds: Gender, Marital status, Family status, Religion or belief, Colour, Race, Ethnic or national origin, Disability, Age, Political opinion, Employment status (i.e. Being unemployed or a beneficiary) or Sexual orientation

All employees of the organisation and students have a responsibility to act in a non-discriminatory manner. Those that fail to do so will be liable to appropriate disciplinary procedures.

Particular care must be exercised to comply with this policy in:

  • wording of all educational materials
  • selection processes for recruitment, promotion and training opportunities
  • design and development of programmes

The legislation relating to discrimination is contained in the Human Rights Act 1993.



(Also known as re-sit). An opportunity for a student to undertake an assessment task or activity a second time within the timing of the programme or course. Re-sits and reassessments are carried out within the published timeline of the course. Course results usually are not published until after the resit/resubmission date. Any student who has scored below 50% on the assessment, or project may request one opportunity to resubmit their final assessment, or project. The Programme Committee will only allow one resubmission opportunity for an assessment item. The mark of a resubmission is capped at ceiling of 50% which equates to a C- grade.

Appeal of Assessment

Please follow the procedure outlined below for review or appeal of assessment. Should you need to request an appeal or review, please follow this link. Alternatively you may download the Appeal of Assessment form and submit to the Academic Director.

Review and re-mark of Assessments

Any candidate who feels that an assessment decision that does not award them credit was incorrect, is entitled to have their assessment reviewed. The candidate’s request for the review should be emailed to admin@developersinstitute.ac.nz or by writing to:
      The Academic Director
      Developers Institute Limited
      59 Bank Street
      Whangārei. 0110

The request must be received within 5 working days of receiving notification of the assessment decision. Reviews may be requested for a number of reasons including:

  • That the assessor did not recognise the candidate’s achievement of the required standard of performance.
  • That the assessor failed to follow proper and agreed assessment procedures.
  • The decision is different from the feedback received at the time of the assessment.

Review Process

  1. Students who wish to appeal the results of their assessments shall discuss their concerns with the Wellbeing Manager or Tutor first.
  2. If they are dissatisfied with the outcome of the discussion with the Wellbeing Manager or Tutor, then the student may appeal to the Academic Director in writing within five (5) days of receipt of the grade.
  3. The Academic Director’s decision shall be final.

For further information about Assessment appeals, re-sits, re-marks or recounts please refer to the following policies; the Student Concerns, Complaints, Academic Appeals and Disciplinary Policy and the Student Performance Monitoring Policy, and the Assessment Policy.

Plagiarism and cheating

It is expected that all student work submitted is of their own.

Cheating - giving any fraudulent response, and Plagiarism - taking and using another’s work as one’s own without proper acknowledgment; is categorised as Academic misconduct. Where Academic misconduct is alleged evaluation and disciplinary procedures will be followed., severe penalties will be imposed for confirmed misconduct. Developers Institute reserves the right to use electronic systems to detect academic misconduct. Students will be notified where such systems are in place. For further information refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, and the Assessment Policy.

Assessment Appeal Form.

Please download the Assessment Appeal Form here

Suggestions and Complaints.

A student may wish to offer a suggestion or complain about a decision, action or experience. A suggestion can be uploaded anonymously to a digital suggestion box hosted by Typeform.

All complaints should be brought to the attention of Developers Institute in the first instance by following the procedures set out in the Student Concerns, Complaints, Academic Appeals and Disciplinary Policy available on the Developers Institute website: www.developers.ac.nz. Students must make every attempt to resolve any concerns they may have, at the earliest opportunity with those most directly involved within the programme or service area in which it originated.

Where the student wishes to make a complaint, they should follow the complaints process stating the nature of the complaint and outlining the steps already taken to address the issue. To ensure that complaints can be resolved effectively, a complaint must be lodged within 3 months of the event occurring.

The Chief Executive or nominee of the Chief Executive will investigate both sides and ultimately make a ruling. Note: The Chief Executive is ultimately responsible for that ruling.

If satisfaction is not reached using the internal procedure, then the complaint or suggestion may be taken further and the student can access an industry nominated representative. Details for the relevant representative are available from reception.

If a complaint is not resolved satisfactorily from the students perspective; A student may make a formal complaint to NZQA in writing about Developers Institute (the registered PTE) using the formal complaint form provided on the NZQA website. Students must make a genuine effort to resolve their concerns by following the Developers Institute formal complaint process, before making a formal complaint to NZQA. For further information about making a complaint and the formal complaints form - see the information on the NZQA website: https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/about-us/make-a-complaint/make-a-complaint-about-a-provider/. If the complaint is still not resolved at this stage, Developers Institute is a member of the ITENZ Quality Commission Scheme and this offers students another option for resolving issues. The scheme works like this:

  1. If you have a complaint about any aspect of the service you have purchased from a provider, use the provider’s internal complaints process.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the internal complaints process – or are still deadlocked after two months – you can lodge a complaint with the Quality Commissioner.
  3. The Commissioner decides whether this is the sort of complaint the scheme covers and what procedure to follow. If you have not followed the provider’s internal complaints process, the Commissioner will refer the complaint back to the provider.
  4. Your provider is given full details of your complaint and is asked to respond.
  5. Having considered your complaint, the Commissioner can promote a settlement between you and the provider.
  6. If this does not work, the Commissioner can recommend a resolution, including a monetary settlement.
  7. Settlements are full and final. If you accept the settlement you can not pursue other avenues.

How does the Quality Commission complaints service differ from other options students have? The Quality Commissioner aims to resolve disputes individual students may have with a provider. Up until now students have had the option of;

  1. Taking a complaint to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority if satisfaction is not found elsewhere.
  2. Going to the source of Government funding.
  3. Taking legal action. These options are still available but now students have another alternative in the Quality Commission.

Complaint Form.

Where a student wishes to make an informal complaint about something affecting their study on any programme at Developers Institute, a submission can be made here.

Student Guidance and Support.

We can help you in the following ways:

Programme Requirements

  • Learning Assistance
  • Expectations
  • Literacy and Numeracy


  • Student / Student
  • Student / Tutor


  • What to do about it

Sexual Harassment

  • What to do about it


  • Doctors Appointments
  • First Aid / Sickness
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Class Information
  • Health Nurse

Culturally Appropriate Resource People

  • Wellbeing Manager
  • Māori Liaison Person
  • Pacific Island Liaison Person
  • Other Liaisons


  • Advocacy and Support

Your first point of contact is your Tutor, Academic Director or any other member of staff you feel comfortable talking to. Contacts for other agencies are in the following pages.

Talk to your Tutor, Academic Director or any member of staff you are comfortable talking to. Appropriate staff will provide a confidential support service. We have training and experience to assist you with many issues. Where we are not equipped to help, we will ensure you are put in touch with the appropriate agency or person.

What is harassment? Harassment includes but is not limited to any verbal or physical conduct, including misuse of visual or written material, by one person toward another, is unwelcome and offensive and might reasonably be perceived as unwelcome and offensive - and such conduct is of a serious nature, or is persistent, to the extent that it interferes with the individual’s study, or other work or enjoyment of the campus amenities.

What is the definition of sexual harassment? Any verbal and/or physical behaviour of a sexual nature which is unwelcome, unsolicited and non-reciprocal, including but not limited to: sexually-orientated jokes, cartoons, posters, pin-ups, offensive questions or comments, abuse, leering, unwanted and deliberate contact, touching, pinching, rubbing, questions and comments about one’s private life or suggestive remarks. Such behaviour is harassment whether it comes from an individual or a group, staff or students.

Developers Institute has zero tolerance for any form of harassment.

For further information please refer to the Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy.

Guidance and Support Contact Information.

A list of external support groups and organisations has been compiled and is available through the website www.developers.ac.nz

Term Calendar

View the following calendar to see which courses is available in each term.

Term Dates 2023

Term 1 - 2023

  • Course: 7th Feb - 2nd Apr
  • Break: 3rd Apr - 23rd Apr

Term 2 - 2023

  • Course: 24th Apr - 18th Jun
  • Break: 19th Jun - 9th Jul

Term 3 - 2023

  • Course: 10th Jul - 3rd Sep
  • Break: 4th Sep - 24th Sep

Term 4 - 2023

  • Course: 25th Sep - 19th Nov
  • Break: 20th Nov - 3rd Dec

Summer Break - 2023-2024

  • 4th Dec - 4th Feb

Cultural Appropriateness.

It is important that the learning environment and the teaching we provide is culturally appropriate.

If you have any concerns about this or observe ways in which we can meet your needs more appropriately we will be pleased to have your help. We have cultural advisors available. They speak for us and for you.

Returning machines

Please perform the following at the end of your study period at Developers Institute:

Wipe an IMac

  • Enable (or check that you have previously enabled) FileVault and that you have the recovery key. See the official docs.
  • IF you have bootcamp installed:
  • IMac should be switched off
  • Press and hold Command + R
  • Switch on IMac while pressing Cmd and R, press it until loading bar is fully loaded on screen, release Cmd + R
  • Select Language
  • Select Disk Utility, continue
  • Select MacIntosh HD - Data
  • Click on minus to delete it
  • Select Internal MacIntosh HD
  • Click on Erase
  • Name of your computer and Format: APFS shows, click erase
  • Will take a while to erase everything, click on done and close the window
  • Now you should see the MacOS Utilities window
  • Select Re-Install MacOS (must be connected to WiFi), Continue
  • Select Agree, Select MacIntosh HD
  • Click install (Will have a black screen with loading bar)

See Also: This video walks through the process in Big Sur

Māori Words and Greetings

Ae: yes
Aroha: love/sorrow
Haere mai: welcome
Haere ra: goodbye (to the person leaving)
Haka: ceremonial dance
Hangi: earth oven and food prepared in it
Hongi: greeting by pressing noses
Hui: meeting
Iwi: Tribe or people
Kai: food
Kāhore: no
Ka pai!: exclamation of pleasure or
approval; good, agreement Karakia: chant or prayer
Karanga: call of welcome
Kaumatua: male elder
E pēhea ana koe?: how are you?
E pai ana: I am fine
Kia ora: hello
Koha: gift
Kuia: female elder
Mana: authority / pride
Manuhiri: guest, visitor
Marae: enclosed space in front of meeting house, meeting place
Huihui: to meet
Moana: sea or lake
Pa: settlement or stockaded village
Puke: hill
Rangatira: chief
Tane: man
Hau kainga: hosts, people of the land
Tangi: bereavement, funeral gathering
Tapu: sacred, restricted
Tēnā koe: hello (formal, to one person)
Tēnā korua: hello (to, two people)
Tēnā koutou: hello (to, three or more people)
Tupuna: ancestor
Wahine: woman
Wai: water
Whanau: family
Whare: house, hut or building
Whenua: land


Inoi a te Ariki – The Lords Prayer
E to matou matua I te rangi
Kia tapu tou ingoa
Kia tae mai tou rangatiratanga
Kia meatia tau e pai ai ki runga I te whenua
Kia rite ano ki to te rangi
Homai ki a matou aianei
He taro mo matou mo tenei ra
Murua o matou hara
Me matou hoki e muru nei I o te hunga e hara ana
Ki a matou
Aua hoki matou e kawea kia whakawaia
Engari whakaorangia matoa I te kino
Nou hoki te rangatiratanga
Te kaha me te kororia
Ake Ake Amine
Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass
against us
and lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
The power and the glory.
Forever and ever.


Te Puawaitanga O Ngāpuhi

Whakarongo mai
Ki te reo e tangi nei
E ringihia mai ana,
Mai i aku kamo
Nga roimata e
Whiti mai te ra
Ngaro ana te mamae
Ngaro noa te pouri
Kaua e mau riri
Anei ano he ra
Maranga mai e te iwi
O nga hapu Ngapuhi
Kia mau, kia u, kia pupuri ai
Ki nga akoranga nui
Takahia te ao
Ka kitea te iwi
E tu tangata mai tatou,
Nga uri o ratou
Kua mene ki te po
Tenei te mihi
Ki nga kai awhina e
Ki nga whaea nga matua
Anei ra ko nga hua
E puawai ana mai
Maranga mai...

to the voice that is crying out
and see the tears that
are falling from the eyes

But as the sun shines
the pain disappears and
the sadness falls away
don’t hold any anger
for today is another day
Rise up ye the people
of the sub tribes of Ngapuhi
to hold firmly & securely & forever
the great teachings
As you travel the world
it will be seen by the people
that we stand proud
we the descendants of those who have
been lost to the night
This is the thanks we give
to our many helpers,
to our aunts and uncles, mothers
and fathers. Here we are the
fruit of your labour
that blossom before you.

Te Aroha

Te aroha
Te whakapono
Te rangimarie
Tātou, tätou e.

Te aroha
Te whakapono
Te rangimarie
Tātou, tätou e

Te aroha
Te whakapono
Me te rangimarie
Tātou tatou e

For us all.

For us all.

For us all.

Wairua Tapu

Wairua tapu tau mai ra
Wairua tapu mai runga
Uhia mai nga taonga pai
Homai to aroha

Wahia kia tika
Akona mai ra kia u ki te pai
Horoia kia ma tonu ra
Ko koe te tino kororia

Holy spirit rest upon us
Holy spirit from above,
With your many gifts
We receive your love.
Teach us your ways
As we remember you.

E Hara I Te Mea

E hara I te mea
No naianei te aroha
No nga tupuna
I tuku iho I tuku iho
Te whenua te whenua
Hei oranga mo te iwi
No nga tupuna
I tuku iho I tuku iho
Whakapono tumanako
Te aroha o te iwi
No nga tupuna
I tuku iho I tuku iho

It is not the thing
That love is only of now
Our ancestors
Gifted to us
The land, the land
That people will live on
Our ancestors
Gifted to us
Truth and honesty
The love of the people
Our ancestors
Gifted to us