Audio Visualize

Hi You Can Use My Audio Visualizer for Cool Animations For Your Songs

Some Notes:

First Some Codes Are Out Comments if You Need To Listen Offline to Some Music Just Remove the comments (Keep The Code) And Create Folder With Name: Music Or Any Name But You Need To Change musicFolder in sketch.js With Your Music Folder Name Then All You Need To Make It Works use:

Nodejs (Its Optional)

Use it And Run The index.js File Then Will exit then close it Then Open The index.html File Using localhost Or liveServer Do Not Open it Directly Using explorer

You Will Use Nodejs For Writing In allsongs.js File All Your Songs List In The Music/ File

You Can Do it Without Nodejs but recommented To Use Nodejs If You Have A Lot Of Songsssssssss!

To Play/Pause The audio: just Left Click With Mouse To Change Volume Level: Just Use Music Wheel To Skip 5 Seconds To Frond Or Back 5 Seconds: Left & Right Arrow In KeyBoard


I has Been Add 1 Song In The Project For Test The Local local:


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