
Will be focusing on the ASP.NET Core, Design Principles and Patterns, Data Structures and Algorithms, Bootstrap, Web API, Cloud Concept

Primary LanguageC#


Stage 3

Day 35

 Go thru the learning under section ‘DevOps’
 Discussions with trainer on the topics covered in Stages 1 & 2
Overall duration: 11 days
This module will be focusing on the unit testing aspects as well as ASP.NET Core which is a free
and open-source web framework and successor to ASP.NET, developed by Microsoft.

Day 1


Introduction, Assertions, Constraints and Attributes, Running Test
Learning reference:
 Refer the objectives with session Id NUnit-01 & NUnit- 02

Stage 3 – .NET Advanced Features

 Day 1 - Session 1
 Day 1 - Session 2

Day 2 - Forenoon

Mocking Framework (Moq)

Mocking Framework using Moq

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Moq- 01

External Reference Link

NUnit & Moq

 Walkthrough the content in the above link and try it out the demo given in there for better
understanding and gaining confidence on the subject.

Hands-On:  Hands On 1

Day 2 - Afternoon

C# Additional Topics

Async Programming, Multithreading

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with session Id C#4.5-T01 & C#4.5-T02


 Hands On 1
 Hands On 2

Day 3 - Forenoon

C# Additional Topics

Other Application Types- Windows Forms, Windows Service
Learning reference:

Introduction to Windows Service Applications

 Navigate to other sections like Service Application Programming Architecture and How
to: Create Windows Services from the left pane of the web page.

Getting Started with Windows Forms

 Navigate to other sections like Windows Forms Overview and Windows Forms
Controls from the left pane of the web page.


 Hands On 1

Day 3 - Afternoon

Code Analysis

Learning reference:
Overview of code analysis for .NET in Visual Studio
 Walkthrough the above link to get started with the Code Analysis of managed code
Code analysis rule set reference

 Take a look at the list of built-in rule sets.


 Hands On 1

Day 4


Benefits of .Net Core, .Net Core components and its importance

Learning reference:

genc-Core-objectives_FSE - V3

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Core-T01 & Core-T02


 Hands On 1

Day 5


MVC components in Web page rendering, Data binding concepts in .Net core

Learning reference:

genc-Core-objectives_FSE - V3

 Refer the objectives with session Id Core-T03 & Core-T04


 Hands On 1

Day 6


Exception filter, Simple usage of Entity Framework

Learning reference:

genc-Core-objectives_FSE - V3
 Refer the objectives with session Id Core-T03 & Core-T04
 Hands On 1

Day 7


Knowledge on using log4net for logging
Learning reference:
genc-Core-objectives_FSE - V3
 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Core-T04
 Hands On 1

Day 8 , 9

Practice Check:
 Generic medicine application

Day 10, 11

Final Check:
 Food supply application
Overall duration: 5 days

Stage 3 – Design Principles and Patterns

This module will be focused on design patterns and principles that help the developers to make a good system design. Design patterns provide solutions to common problems, occur in the software design.

Day 1

SOLID principles

SOLID principles, Need and benefits of Design patterns

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with session Id DP-T01


 Day 1 – Hands On 1

Day 2

Types of Design Patterns

Design Patterns – Creational and Structural

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with session Id DP-T02
 Refer the objectives with session Id DP-T03


 Day 1 – Hands On 1
 Day 2 – Hands On 2

Day 3

Types of Design Patterns

Design Patterns – Behavioral design patterns
Learning reference:
 Refer the objectives with session Id DP-T04, T05 & DP-T06
 Day 2 – Hands On 1
 Day 2 – Hands On 2
 Day 2 – Hands On 3

Day 4

Practice Check:
 Practice Check Case study on Design Principles

Day 5

Final Check:
 Final Check Case Study on Design Principles
Overall duration: 4 days
This module deals with Data Structures and Algorithms that are an integral part of a computer
Data Structures determine memory organization principles of data which help
in efficient storage of data in storage device
Algorithm is a step-wise representation of a solution to a given problem, which makes it easy to
understand and is not dependent on any programming language.

Stage 3 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Day 1

Data Structure

Linear Data Structure- Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list, Matrix

Learning reference:

Algorithms and Data Structures in C#: Complete Tutorial
 Refer section listed below in this Udemy course and follow the instructor for guided
hands on.
o Section 2: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
  1. Intro to Data Structures o Section 4: Arrays o Section 6: Lists o Section 7: Stacks o Section 8: Queues


 Hands On 1
 Hands On 2
 Hands On 3
 Hands On 4
 Hands On 5

Day 2

Data Structure

Non-Linear Data Structure- Trees, Graphs

Learning reference:

Algorithms and Data Structures in C#: Complete Tutorial
 Refer section listed below in this Udemy course and follow the instructor for guided
hands on.
o Section 12: Trees
Go through the following links for better understanding of the other data structures
 Graph Data Structure
 Heap Data Structure
 Hash Data Structure


 Hand On 1
 Hand On 2
 Hand On 3
 Hand On 4
 Hand On 5

Day 3


Algorithm- Searching, Sorting, Pattern Searching, Divide and Conquer

Learning reference:

Algorithms and Data Structures in C#: Complete Tutorial
 Refer section listed below in this Udemy course and follow the instructor for guided hands on.
o Section 2: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
 4. Intro to Algorithms
o Section 3: Introduction to Algorithm Analysis
 5. Time Complexity
 8. Order of Growth
o Section 5: Sorting Algorithms
o Section 9: Search Algorithms


 Hands On 1
 Hands On 2
 Hands On 3
 Hands On 4
 Hands On 5

Additional Hands-on reference:


Day 4- Forenoon

Practice Check:
 Hackerrank assessment – Practice

Day 4- Afternoon

Final Check:
 Hackerrank assessment - Final
Overall duration: 2 days
This module deals with topics on Responsive Web Design (RWD) using Bootstrap, a
styling framework. This can be done using Notepad++ or Visual studio

Day 1


Bootstrap – Fundamentals, Grid System, NAV Bar
Learning reference:
 Refer the objectives with session Id BTSP-T01 & BTSP-T02

Stage 4 - Bootstrap

 Day 1 - Session 1
 Day 1 – Session 2

Day 2


Bootstrap – Chrome DevTools, Components, Styles
Learning reference:
 Refer the objectives with session Id BTSP-T03 & BTSP-T04
 Day 2 - Session 1
 Day 2 – Session 2
Overall duration: 7 days
This module deals with ASP.NET Core which helps in creating RESTful services, also known
as web APIs.

Day 1


Web API – REST Concepts
Learning reference:
 Refer the objectives with session Id WebAPI-T01

Stage 4 – ASP.NET Core Web API


 Web API Hands-On 1

Day 2


Web API – Tools, Attributes

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with session Id WebAPI-T02 & WebAPI-T0 3


 Web API Hands-On 1
 Web API Hands-On 2
 Web API Hands-On 3

Day 3


Web API – Tools, Attributes

Learning reference:


 Refer the objectives with session Id WebAPI-T04, WebAPI-T05, WebAPI-T06 & WebAPI-T0 7


 Web API Hands-On 1
 Web API Hands-On 2

Day 4,5

Practice Check:

 Practice Check Case Study on Web API

Day 6,7

Final Check:
 Final Check Case Study on Web API
Overall duration: 10 days
This module deals with Microsoft Azure which is a cloud computing service created by
Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through
Microsoft-managed data centers.

Day 1

Introduction to Cloud Computing

Cloud Concept - Azure
Learning reference:
genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE - V4
 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T01, Cloud-T02
 Hands On 1

Day 2-Forenoon

Application Insights

Cloud Concept – Azure Application Insights
Learning reference:
genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE - V4
 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T0 3
 Hans On 1

Stage 4 – Cloud Concept

Day 2-Afternoon


Cloud Concept – DevOps-CI/CD

Learning reference:

genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T0 4


 Hands On 1

Day 3


Learning reference:

genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T05


 Hands On 1

Day 4

Container Basics – Docker

Docker is used to build modules called Microservices, which decentralize packages and divide tasks into separate, stand-alone apps that collaborate with each other.

Cloud Concepts- Docker

Learning reference:

genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T06

Day 5

Container Basics – Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating computer application deployment, scaling, and management.

Cloud Concepts- Kubernetes

Learning reference:

genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T07

Day 6

Cloud deployment

Learning reference:

genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE

 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T0 8 & Cloud-T0 9


 Hands On 1

Day 7

Cloud deployment

Learning reference:
genc-DevOps-Cloud -objectives_FSE
 Refer the objectives with Topic Id Cloud-T10, Cloud-T 11 & Cloud-T 12
 Hands On 1
 Hands On 2
 Hands On 3
 Hands On 4

Day 8,9,10

Practice Check:
 Practice Check Case Study on Cloud Concept
Overall duration: 10 days
Every GenC will undergo MFPE towards the end of their learning journey. This will help them to
apply the skills acquired on a business case study while being in Agile POD team.
Mentors will guide them throughout in this two weeks engagement. They also evaluate their coding
standards and problem solving skills during their mentorship.