Libraries, classes and components to simplify game coding in Delphi VCL and FireMonkey projects
- 1aq
- avitos
- BearHeathenViking Ventures
- clqsrcpage4
- dbaspider2012labs
- delphicz
- felipebastoswebfellipebastosweb
- fjfzeagle
- gbegregNiort, France
- gcarrenoLancaster/Lancashire/UK
- hanicrafthanisoftwares
- imekonLondon, UK
- iSathsaraITelligence Services
- jeronemo2001
- JonRobertson
- littleearthLittle Earth Solutions
- MargeraBsoft
- mercibacDakar
- mnasmanPalestine
- pmcgee69Perth, Western Australia
- pointermessSwitzerland
- qubits-usFL
- rafael-figueiredo-alvesRZ Sistemas LTDA
- rafaelMatrizSistemasMatriz Sistemas
- skamradtThreefish Software LLC
- SunHelper
- YanisBenekaaMontpellier, France
- YuriBertoldiEspĂrito Santo, Brasil