
Python code for a sever-run password manager that can be accessed from anywhere. Supports multiple users and all passwords are encrypted. (Soon to undergo rewrite for React Native)

Primary LanguagePython


This project is planned to be rewritten in React and integrated into a mobile app


Python code for a sever-run password manager that can be accessed from anywhere. Supports multiple users and all passwords are encrypted.

This project was born out of necessity as many of my personal accounts were being logged into by unknown people due to all my passwords being the same. I wanted to make my passwords unique and needed a way to safely store them. Paying for a service to do that for me wasn't ideal so I made a program that can keep all my passwords safely encrypted on my home computer while being accessed from anywhere.


Python Clone

Install libraries using

pip install requirements.txt in the windows command prompt (Start + cmd)

Note: Libraries only have to be installed on the device the server is running on, the client does not use any external librairies.

Quick Lesson on Internet Connections

Each device on your wifi is given an internal IP address so home devices can communicate. For example my PC's internal address is and my phone is

Your router is connected to the internet using an external IP address and it acts as a gateway between the internet and your internal devices. You can easily find your external IP address on a website called portchecktool.com next to Your Current Public IP Address is:

A port forward is setup through your router and allows a device not on your network to directly connect to a device that is on the network as if they both were. More on how to setup a port forward later.

Setting up Server to be Local or Public

Server Only Accessable on your Network (Local)

The server will automatically use the local IP of the mchine it is running on. The program will ask you what port to run the server on and this can be any number between 1000 and about 63000.

The server will then print a message similar to [LISTENING] Server is listening on where = (IP Address):(Port)

Run Client.py for the first time and it will create the file Server.txt which will look like this


You need to then replace the fields with the IP address and port the server gave you This options will be used automatically next time you start the Client so to change servers just edit the text file

Server Accessable Anywhere (Public)

This is very similar to the local set up however you will need to setup a port forward first, the instruction for that can be found below.

Once the port forward has been setup make sure the server is running on the forwarded port and that the fields in Server.txt are filled in as

(Your wifi's external IPV4 address) -IP
(Server port) -Port

Setting up a Port Forward

To setup a port forward you need to login to your routers gateway through your browser. You can find the gateway by opening a Windows Command-Prompt (press Start and search for 'cmd') and typing ipconfig into the prompt. In the results that come up find the Default Gateway.

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : fe80::461c:12ff:fe35:30c4%17

Ignoring the first line of numbers my gateway is

Copy and past your gateway into your browser's address bar and it should take you to a page similar to mine.

If you have not changed them your login credentials should be on a sticker on the underside of your router. The defualt username is usually 'admin' and passwords will usually be '(blank)', 'password', 'admin', or '1234'.

Once you have logged in find the Port Forwarding option which will usually be under Advanced. The exact layout and wording may change between ISP's. Next you will want to enter a name for the device you are forwarding to and then under Protocal Select "TCP/UDP" or "Both", finally enter the internal IP address of the device the server is running on (IP the server prints out in the [Listening] message).

After aplying the changes start Server.Py on the forwarded port and head back to portchecktool.com and check if your port is working. If it is you are good to go but if not try forwarding a different port or searching for tutorials for your specific ISP.

Using Server

You navigate through menus by typing the number next to the option you would want to select and pressing enter.

Login Menu

Once you have connected to the server as a client you are greeted with a welcome menu

1 - Login
2 - Create new User

1 - Login - Pretty self explanitory

2 - Create new User - This will ask the user for a Username, Firstname, and Password. These accounts will only be users, only an admin can create another admin account

Login passwords are stored in the database as hashes and are impossible to convert back to plaintext.

Main Menu

Users are greeted with the menu

1 - Open Passwords Menu
2 - Open User Menu
3 - Disconnect From Server

while admins get the additional option of 4 - Close Server which will send a message to everyone connected and then close the server after 30 seconds.

3 - Disconnect From Server -Use this instead of closing the Client as otherwise the server will think you are still connected and this may cause issues later.

Passwords Menu

Menu for managing stored passwords

1 - Search Password
2 - Create Password
3 - Remove password
4 - Back

1 - Search Password -Will ask for a search and will return all passwords that include the term you searched for. Leave the search blank for all passwords. Adding !excel to your search will send you a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file of your search, this will automatically be downloaded to the same directory you are running the client from.

2 - Create Password -This is how you add a new password to store in the database. You will be asked for the name of the Account, username, password, and an optoinal attached note that you can fill with extra information or leave blank. When creating a password you can type !generate! and the program will give you a 10-digit password with at least 1 symbol and a capital.

3 - Remove password -This will ask for the name of account you want to remove and then permanently delete it from the database

User Menu

Menu for managing server users, mostly for admins. Regular users will only be able to access 2 - Change Password

1 - List all users
2 - Change Password
3 - Promote User 
4 - Create new user
5 - Remove user
6 - Back

1 - List all users -Shows admin a list of the usernames and Firstnames of all the users who have an account

2 - Change Password -All users can use this to change their server login password

3 - Promote User -Promote a regular user to become an Admin

4 - Create new user -Admins can create a new user, this will ask for a username, firstname, password, and if they are an admin

5 - Remove user -Admin can remove a user's account, will be asked for the user's username and password