Custom CW20 token for Cosmos Ecosystem


This repository contains a custom implementation of a CW20 (CosmWasm 20) token with some additional features. The CW20 token standard is designed for fungible tokens on the Cosmos blockchain ecosystem. This custom implementation have a default mint amount and a 24-hour interval constraints for minting new tokens.


  • Custom CW20 Token: Follows the CW20 token standard for fungible tokens on Cosmos blockchains.
  • Default Mint Amount: Comes with a pre-defined default mint amount of 1,000,000 tokens. Minters can only mint this default amount.
  • 24-Hour Interval Constraint: Allows minting new tokens once every 24 hours. Users must wait until 24 hours have passed since their last minting.


  • You will need Rust 1.44.1+ with wasm32-unknown-unknown target installed.

Clone Project

git clone
cd cosmos-cw20-token


Run unit test for testing smart contract working

cargo test

Build smart contract

for Windows (tested in powershell)


for linux/Mac (tested in git bash)
