
Run npm install

Run node index.js

Product API

  1. create the product with payload API: POST /product BODY: { "name":"Product-2", "description":"This is description-2", "price":100, "quantity":10, "category":"Category-2" }

  2. get all the product details available API: GET /product/all

  3. get product by name API: GET /product/name BODY: { "name":"Product" }

Transaction API

  1. Make Transaction with payload API: POST /pay BODY: { "product":"Product-1", "payment_method":"card", "email":"", "price":200 }

  2. Get All the Transaction History API: GET /transaction/all

  3. Get Transaction history of particular user API: GET /transaction/user BODY: { "email":"" }

User API

  1. Create new user API: POST/user BODY: { name: "user-1", email: "", }

  2. Get User by Email API: GET /user BODY: { "email":"" }

Note - For making payments currently I have integrated with stripe services with the test stripe account.

Note - For evaluation purpose I am posting the config file will remove it later.