Nuxt3 SSR + XState

Wait for XState machine to settle before returning data during Nuxt3 SSR.

Why doing that?

I want to use XState to manage my whole applications, whether they are single page applications or server-rendered applications.

Frameworks that offer SSR, like SvelteKit, Nuxt or Next, bring a function that runs on the server and that returns the data used to build a good old HTML page. SvelteKit has load, Nuxt has useAsyncData and Next has getServerSideProps

How to do that?

The challenge is to launch a state machine in this function, wait for it to settle and then return the data it computed, as well as the settled state, so that we can hydrate the state machine for client-side rendering.

We use useAsyncData Nuxt3 hook to interpret the machine and wait for it to settle. Once the machine has settled, we return from useAsyncData callback the settled state, and the context of the machine. We stop the machine to prevent memory leaks.

Then we call useMachine hook from @xstate/vue to interpret the machine again, and we tell it to start from the settled state:

const { state, send } = useMachine(machine, {
  state: machine.resolveState(State.from(data.value.state, data.value.context)),

The server will build the HTML we expect, and the client will have access to the data returned by useAsyncData callback during SSR. As a consequence, the machine will be hydrated correctly!

Open app.vue file


Make sure to install the dependencies

yarn install


Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

yarn dev


Build the application for production:

yarn build

Checkout the deployment documentation.