
Simple script to setup a safe shutdown on Lakka+RetroFlag

Primary LanguageShell

Lakka Retroflag NESPi 4 Safe-Shutdown Script

Simple script to setup a safe shutdown on Lakka+RetroFlag

Works on NESPi 4 only with Lakka nightlies dating 04/21 and afterwards. Lakka 3.0 should also work once it releases.

How to install

Enable Safe Shutdown on your NESPI case

  • Enable the Safe Shutdown switch on your NESPI case as indicated by the manufacturer.

Enable SSH In Lakka

  1. Boot up Lakka
  2. Connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet through either LAN or WiFi
  3. Go to 'Settings -> Services -> SSH' : Turn this on

Install scripts

  1. ssh to your Pi For Linux/MAC :

    ssh root@YOUR_LAKKA_IP_ADDRESS (you can find this in 'Main Menu -> Information > Network Information')
    password: root (if unchanged)

    For Windows, use the PuTTY SSH client

  2. Type :

    cd ~; curl -L "https://github.com/DevilBlackDeath/lakka-retroflag-nespi-safeshutdown/raw/master/install.sh" > lakka_retroflag_install.sh; bash lakka_retroflag_install.sh

  3. When asked about your timezone, refer to the "TZ database name" column in the following link :


This is an updated version of the forked repository :

It is updated to work with recent nightly builds of Lakka, including aarch64 ones, and to properly cut-off power on shutdown.Feel free to fork or copy this for your own needs, be it other Raspberry Pi cases with GPIO functionalities, futue Retroflag products compatibility, whatever else... :)

The original is a cleaned up version of:

Inspired by: