Simple script to setup a safe shutdown on Lakka+RetroFlag
Works on NESPi 4 only with Lakka nightlies dating 04/21 and afterwards. Lakka 3.0 should also work once it releases.
- Enable the Safe Shutdown switch on your NESPI case as indicated by the manufacturer.
- Boot up Lakka
- Connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet through either LAN or WiFi
- Go to 'Settings -> Services -> SSH' : Turn this on
ssh to your Pi For Linux/MAC :
ssh root@YOUR_LAKKA_IP_ADDRESS (you can find this in 'Main Menu -> Information > Network Information') password: root (if unchanged)
For Windows, use the PuTTY SSH client
Type :
cd ~; curl -L "" >; bash
When asked about your timezone, refer to the "TZ database name" column in the following link :
This is an updated version of the forked repository :
It is updated to work with recent nightly builds of Lakka, including aarch64 ones, and to properly cut-off power on shutdown.Feel free to fork or copy this for your own needs, be it other Raspberry Pi cases with GPIO functionalities, futue Retroflag products compatibility, whatever else... :)
The original is a cleaned up version of:
Inspired by: