
Build a production kubernetes cluster!

Primary LanguageShell


build a production kubernetes cluster


  • support etcd cluster and TLS, using static pod to init etcd cluster, so monitor and management will be easy
  • kubernetes master cluster
  • calico etcd TLS, calico using etcd cluster
  • dashboard, heapster coreDNS addons
  • master haproxy, using static pod
  • master keepalived
  • join nodes, change kube-proxy configmap, change kubelet config
  • promethus support, using promethus operator
  • istio support

ship on docker

you need already has sealyun offline package

copy it to /data dir

docker run --rm -v /data/kube1.13.0.tar.gz:/data/kube1.13.0.tar.gz -it -w /etc/ansible fanux/sealos:v1.13.0 bash

generate ssh public key (in docker):

mkdir ~/.ssh
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 # please click "Enter" to end
ssh-copy-id $IP # $IP is the virtual machine or machine ip address. 


ssh $IP

install all

Config your own hosts

# cd /etc/ansible
# vim hosts
# ansible-playbook roles/install-all.yaml

uninstall all

# ansible-playbook roles/uninstall-all.yaml

version support

kubernetes v1.12 kubernetes v1.13
sealos v1.0.0
sealos v1.13.0

