
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Game Mods

This is a monorepo with my game mods. It has submodules, so clone it like:

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git@github.com:SupaStuff/game-mods.git

Building from source


  • Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 (or later): winget install Microsoft.VisualStudio.2022.BuildTools
    • MSBuild Tools
    • Desktop development with C++
      • C++ Clang tools for Windows (optional if you winget it)
    • MSVC (latest)
    • .Net SDK
    • .Net 6.0 Runtime
  • CMake >= 3.24: This is probably included with VS Desktop Dev w/ C++, but you can also get it from winget: winget install Kitware.CMake
  • Clang Tools: Probably just use the one from VS Desktop Dev w/ C++... or: winget install LLVM.LLVM (you need to update PATH)
  • Ninja: You can pip install it, but I couldn't build without using the VS dev shell, so might as well use the one that comes with VS Desktop Dev w/ C++...
  • PowerShell: winget install --id Microsoft.Powershell

The make script

There's a make.ps1 script that you should find useful. (It's not a Makefile because winget has an old AF version of GNU Make).

I have this alias in my profile:

Set-Alias make ./make.ps1

This lets me use this script like it's make. But you can just run the script like ./make.ps1

See make help for commands that are available.


You can probably open this in VS and it'll maybe do the right thing? But use the cli.

Before you can build, you have to enter a VS dev shell to get build tools in you path and whatever strange variables set. VS has some helper scripts not in your path to get you there. You should probably google how other people do it. I just have this in my profile:

function dev() {
    $MSVS = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools"
    Import-Module $MSVS\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll
    Enter-VsDevShell -SkipAutomaticLocation -SetDefaultWindowTitle  -DevCmdArguments '-arch=x64' -InstallPath $MSVS

Typing dev gets me there. Now you can:

  1. make deps: Restores NuGet packages and generates the Ninja build project. Do this one time.
  2. make build: Build all the projects.
  3. make clean: Clean up build output... You'll have to make deps again, though. Don't do this if you want incremental builds

Environment variables

I added a make env that lists the following environment variables with their current value or the default. You probably don't want to set these. They are really just for the CI. The best DX is provided by defaults. You're on your own if you set these:

  • Set $env:BuildConfiguration = "Release" if you want to build release binaries.


Thanks! Feel free to fork the repo and open a PR. Just follow these guidelines:

Formatters and Linters

Before each commit, make sure to run formatters and linters. For your convenience, there are make format and make lint that will do the right thing.

Because clang-tidy is slow AND dangerous, make lint only gives it staged files. This means commiting C++ changes looks something like this:

git stage ...
make lint
make format
git stage ... # or not
git commit ...

