
Repository for backend of EES 23 website

For starting the project first time :

  1. Clone the repo in which you have to work in your system.
  2. Create or do your work in other branch with relevant name
  3. After completing your work, commit your changes and push them
  4. Create a pull request (PR)

Setting up the project(Backend) :

  1. Initial setup: install virtual environment python -m venv venv activate virtual environment linux:source venv/bin/activate
    windows: ./venv/Scripts/activate

  2. install dependencies pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

  3. apply migrations: python migrate

  4. Collect static files : python collectstatic

  5. Start the development server using python runserver

For Uptading work after some PRs are merged :

  1. Commit your changes (if any)
  2. Pull from the main branch (always)

General Rules :

  1. For APIs, test it with all possible test case, so it will not cause any future problems.
  2. Always inform Ankur bhaiya after adding a pull request and get it reviewed by him.