####Two Prolog Assignments and my final paper for Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
###Running the Assignments:
To run these projects you will need a version of Prolog such as SWI-Prolog.
####A2: A family tree project in Prolog
- Example queries are provided at the bottom of the file.
- Query about a collection of people, ex: male(ron_smith)
####A3: An expert system to determine player objective selection in a simple board game.
- This expert system determines which objective a team of n players should pursue on a WxH grid.
- For each objective, the system reasons about where missing opponents are most likely to be, then, based on those estimates, calculates a value for each objective, and selects the best objective.
- Execute the system by entering 'run.'. This will print out relevant game information and ask for your team. It will then prompt to enter estimated positions for any missing players, and respond with an optimal objective for your team to pursue.
###Final Paper
Introduction to Aritificial Intelligence required us to write a formal paper on a topic in AI.
I selected Task Allocation for multi-agent systems.
My paper, Dynamic Task Allocation For Multi-Agent Systems Utilizing Hierarchical Task Delegation, details ideas I had while looking into the topic. It also is a great example of a paper created in LaTex.