
First p5 experiments

Primary LanguageHTML


First p5 experiments

Learning outcomes

  • Setting up p5.js on a local MacOS environment

  • Encountering git and GitHub errors with conflicting merge histories. This happened by working locally first, then starting a GitHub repo, then attempting to merge the two (error fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories). Solved this by running git reset --hard origin/main

  • Additional problems encountered with accidentially initializing the git repository one parent directory too high (/p5/hello-p5, instead of simply within the directory hello-p5). Fixed this by mv git hello-p5, cd hello-p5, then proceeding to add, stage, and commit the changes.

  • Reflecting on how these issues related to working locally prove the utility of the p5 Web Editor 😂.

  • Using Cartesian coordinates to draw shapes. Thinking of shapes in terms of coordinates, thinking of colors in terms of numbers.

  • Composition and design thinking: rule of thirds, balancing