Simple cli to find cheapest reagents for recipes and items via WoW Auction House prices.
Fetch the cheapest reagents to make Shadestone with Auction House prices:
$ ./ creds add --client-id CLIENT_ID --client-secret CLIENT_SECRET
$ ./ cost 'Shadestone' --realm CONNECTED_REALM_ID
∟>(5 Ground Death Blossom @ 40g)
∟>(2 Death Blossom @ 24g)
∟>(2 Ground Vigil's Torch @ 68g)
∟>(2 Vigil's Torch @ 58g)
∟>(2 Ground Widowbloom @ 120g)
∟>(2 Widowbloom @ 110g)
∟>(2 Ground Marrowroot @ 90g)
∟>(2 Marrowroot @ 88g)
∟>(2 Ground Rising Glory @ 86g)
∟>(2 Rising Glory @ 24g)
Cost Breakdown:
gold amount reagent
200 5 Ground Death Blossom
136 2 Ground Vigil's Torch
240 2 Ground Widowbloom
180 2 Ground Marrowroot
96 4 Rising Glory
852 g
pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] {creds,cost} ...
positional arguments:
creds credential management
cost find fair market value for recipe
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit