
Primary LanguageShell

Table of Contents


  1. ./ubuntu/desktop-setup.sh
  2. ./dotfiles.sh



Key Function
os_upgrade updates aptitude, snap, global npm, and ruby packages
md makes a directory and moves into it
my_path outputs all the directories on my $PATH
g alias for git
extract extracts just about any compressed file
o opens a directory
tm utility for creating and connecting to tmux sessions



Key Function
z expand pane to full size
? show all tmux commands
" split pane horizontally
% split pane vertically
x kill pane


Key Function
Tab next window
w close window
e edit tmux config
r reload tmux config
u open url with urlview
/ opens the man page for the passed command
y copy text
h pane move left
j pane move down
k pane move up
l pane move right


Shortcut Function
ALT + c fzf fuzzy cd
CTRL + r fzf fuzzy history

Sublime Text

Key Function