
API Documentation for the Steam Remote Control

Steam Remote API Documentation


Documentation for the Steam Remote Control API, first documented by SteamDB back in October 2013. They later released another blogpost with more information and a link to a repository providing some more functionality than that which is in the headsDown.html file provided with Steam as of December 19th.

Credit mostly goes to the SteamDB guys for this, they did all the leg-work. just extracted the information from their SteamRemoteClient Tool and made a nice documentation out of it for my own reference and for the reference of others.

Contributions Welcome!

If you find an error, want to add something I missed or simply want to add a client library just submit a pull request! Or if you know something is wrong but don't know how to fix it, throw up an issue!

Table of Contents


Enabling Remote Control

The remote control has to be enabled in Big Picture's settings.


The base URL for all API requests is https://<your_steam_client_ip>:27037/steam

Data is sent as GET or POST payloads, and returned as JSON.


Supplying incorrect payload data or using an invalid API call will result in a HTTP 404 Error Code being returned.

Success Response

Unless otherwise stated, it can be assumed that each API call simply returns a JSON response of the following on a successful call:

    "success": true


The first request you make to the API while in Big Picture will prompt you to authorise the remote client by its device token. Every API request requires the passing of at least a device token as GET, POST or COOKIE data and will therefore not be included in the documentation beyond the below as it assumed you are already including these details appropriately for each request.

Check Authorization

GET /steam/authorized/

Sample Responses


   "success": true,
       "tenfoot": 0

Not Authorized

   "success": false,
   "error": "authorization_needs_prompt"

Authorization Request

POST /steam/authorization/

Authorization Request Parameters

Name Required? Type Description
device_name optional string Device Name as it will appear in the Steam Big Picture prompt during authorisation. "Unkown Device" used if not supplied.
device_token required string Device Token used to authorise your client with Steam. This can be generated locally but must be the same for each request (or authorisation will be required again). Minimum length of 8 characters.


POST /steam/button/:button/

Simulates the pressing of controller buttons within Steam Big Picture. The buttons are based on an Xbox 360 Gamepad, whether this will change in the future to better reflect the official Steam Controller is unknown.

Valid Buttons

The button identifier should be used in place of :button in the POST request above.

Button Identifier
Guide/Overlay guide
Left left
Right right
Up up
Down down
A a
B b
X x
Y y
Right Trigger rtrigger
Left Trigger ltrigger


Used to control the cursor within Steam Big Picture and simulate Mouse Button presses.

Mouse Movement

POST /steam/mouse/move

Moves the Big Picture cursor x/y distance relative to its current position.


Name Required? Type Description
delta_x required int Distance to move the mouse on the x-axis
delta_y required int Distance to move the mouse on the y-axis

Mouse Buttons

POST /steam/mouse/click

Simulates a mouse click in Steam Big Picture.


Name Required? Type Description
button required string The mouse button to simulate a press for, currently tested: mouse_left


Simulates keyboard functionality within Steam Big Picture.


POST /steam/keyboard/key/

Simulates the key press of functional keys. Cannot be used for typing, this is what Sequences are for. Rather this can be used to simulate key presses such as enter/return (for sending messages), backspace, space, the F1-12 keys, etc. Only those that provide some functional use are listed in the table below. If any are missed, please feel free to add them.

Key Table

Identifier Key Where? Description
key_enter Enter/Return Anywhere Simulates pressing enter, most likely use is to send a message after entering it using a [Sequence](#sequences) when no controller is plugged in (A button in API does not send a message with no controller connected, though this may just be a bug and fixed in the future).
key_backspace Backspace Input Box Simulates backspace, useful for deleting after sending a sequence.
key_end End Input Box Goes to end of the contents of a text input.
key_home Home Input Box Goes to the beginning of a text input.
key_f1-12 F keys (1-12) Anywhere Presses the specifies F key (provide a number between 1 and 12)
key_escape Escape Anywhere Works the same as the B button for the most part, goes back to the previous screen.


Name Required? Type Description
name required string The key name from the above table to pass to Big Picture (example: key_enter


POST /steam/keyboard/sequence/

Accepts a string of characters as a POST field and outputs it as a string of characters in the currently selected text input within Steam Big Picture.


Name Required? Type Description
sequence required string The string of unicode characters to enter into the currently selected input field.


Enables the browsing of the currently logged in user's game library and the starting up of games within Steam Big Picture.

List Games

GET /steam/games/

Returns a list of all available games in the currently logged in user's library. Each key represents a Steam App ID.

Sample Response

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "3483": {
            "name": "Peggle Extreme",
            "installed": 1,
            "update_running": 0,
            "update_paused": 0,
            "bytes_downloaded": 14690192,
            "bytes_needed": 14690192,
            "bytes_per_second": 0,
            "type": "game",
            "icon": "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/3483/427a98a549c3813e13b4062300709000599817b0.jpg",
            "logo": "http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/apps/3483/4b8f3d8f7f94cc5ca420a8586c8dd903edacce12.jpg",
            "current_disk_bytes": 23356380,
            "estimated_disk_bytes": 23356380,
            "minutes_played": {
                "forever": 47,
                "last_two_weeks": 46
            "last_played_at": 1387758040

Run Game

POST /steam/games/:appid/run

Runs the game corresponding to the supplied App ID (if it's installed). If the game isn't installed, it will be installed and a second request to play it must be called once installation has completed in order to run the game.



POST /steam/music/:action/

Valid Actions

The action identifier should be used in place of :action in the POST request above.

Action Identifier
Guide/Play play
Pause pause
Next next
Previous previous


POST|GET /steam/music/volume/


Name Required? Type Description
volume optional double Decimal point value between 0 and 1, where 0 is muted and 1 is max volume.


POST /steam/music/mode/

Used to set the current music modes.


Name Required? Type Description
looped optional bool (0|1) Enable or disable looping mode
shuffled optional bool (0|1) Enable or disable shuffled mode

Sample Response

   "success": true,
       "looped": 0,
       "shuffled": 0


GET /steam/music/

Sample Response

   "success": true,
           "status": "playing",
           "looped": 0,
           "shuffled": 0,
           "volume": 0.75,
           "queue_count": 1
           "artist": "Darude",
           "album": "Sandstorm",
           "track": "Sandstorm"


'Spaces' in Steam Big Picture refer to different sections of the Big Picture client. Currently only a few spaces have been implemented.

Known Space Mappings

Name Identifier Description
Library library Currently the default space and associated with the store, game library and community sections.
Friends friends The space from where you can send and receive messages and interact with your friends list.
Web Browser webbrowser The Steam Big Picture web browser.

Current Space

GET /steam/space/

Gets the currently active Space from Big Picture. Refer to the mappings table above for more information.

Sample Response

    "success": true,
    "data": { 
        "space": "library"

Change Space

POST /steam/space/

Changes the currently active Space in Big Picture.


Name Required? Type Description
space required string The space identifier to navigate to. Refer to the mappings table above.


Used to get the current state of Steam

GET /steam/state/

State Request Parameters

Name Required? Type Description
long_poll optional bool Will cause the request to return only when the state has changed
session_name optional string Unknown

Sample Response

   "success": true,
       "tenfoot": 1,
       "space": "library",
               "status": "paused",
               "looped": 0,
               "shuffled": 0,
               "volume": 0.5,
               "queue_count": 1
               "artist": "Darude",
               "album": "Sandstorm",
               "track": "Sandstorm"


Request Stream

POST /steam/stream/

Sample Response

   "success": true,
       "stream_port": 27031,
       "auth_token": "fb3b606ba869c9834632c2d9e12d5c94968220d1e9b1397f0bf7c84b330a802f"



POST /ui/tenfoot/

Used to launch the tenfoot interface

Client Libraries


Primarily made for use with the RemoteUI.html tool (included in the repository), but for non-local access can be easily modified. It's worth noting that the API does not provide an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, let alone one with a wildcard value, so most browsers won't work with it from a different origin without disabling some security features. JSONP doesn't support POST requests, so that option is out the window too.


If you have a library, please do add it above under the necessary language heading (if the language isn't there, add it)!