An android app that focuses on women safety. It plays high frequency scream when the phone is shaken thrice and simultaneously sends text alert to people nearby her current location who have the application installed with her location coordinates.
- abhik1505040BUET
- arpanpal010Kolkata, India.
- beingblank
- dipeshkoirala21
- GabrielVereiro
- Geethashalini
- Good4lienMoscow, Russia
- H4ckOmJaipur, India
- jarihteespresso
- JhaRashi
- khushi-0901
- lixiaolong41
- Parth305Mehta
- Payal3214Bhubaneswar,Odisha
- puru2uDataQuarks
- RaghavaDhanya@Linkedin
- Sandip-lang
- Shweta1800
- SoundugIndia
- Srt9930India
- suhaib-raadan
- Zerodev66