
List of test assignments. ⚡

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Test-Assignments ⚡️

Here you can find a list of modern test assigments for any kind of developer.

How to contribute 🔫

If you don't see your language or technology name, you can add it with one test assignment. Create a folder with language or technology title, then another folder with your language and then inside this folder, place your test assignment. For example python/en/TelegramBot.md

Template for test assignment.📃

Title of test assignment (Developer level (Developer level can be Junior, Middle or Senior))

Description 📑

Text of task description.

Requirements 📄

  1. First requirement.
  2. Second requirement.
  3. And so on...

Time to complete(Optional) 🕓


Additional requirements(Optional)✍🏻

Or you can always write a test task without template. 🧠🧠🧠