
ERC721 is a non-fungible token standard on the Ethereum blockchain

Primary LanguageSolidity


The "CryptoNFT" contract is a robust ERC-721 implementation for managing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on Ethereum. It facilitates secure token transfers, approvals, burns, and mints, ensuring ownership integrity and preventing invalid operations. The contract incorporates the ERC-165 interface for introspection and supports ERC-223 callbacks in the safeTransferFrom function for seamless interaction with compatible contracts. With a focus on user-friendly NFT creation, it provides a solid foundation for developers to deploy and manage unique tokens, complete with a designated name and symbol on the Ethereum blockchain.


ERC223 specifications provides a mechanism to identify an address as a contract address and then allows the transfer of tokens to the contract address, which is capable of accepting the ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. ERC223 doesn't provide any interface, instead it provides a mechanism to implement the contract to contract communications when tokens are involved.