
Experiment 17

Primary LanguageC++


Experiment 17



To use excepttion handling.

Software Used

VS Code


Definition A linked list is a fundamental data structure used to store a collection of elements. Unlike arrays, where elements are stored in contiguous memory locations, linked lists store elements in nodes scattered throughout memory. Each node contains two parts:

  1. Data: The actual value of the element.
  2. Pointer (or Reference): A reference (or pointer) to the next node in the list.

Types of Linked Lists

  1. Singly Linked List: Each node points to the next node in the sequence, and the last node points to NULL.
  2. Doubly Linked List: Each node points to both the next and the previous node. This allows traversal in both directions.
  3. Circular Linked List: The last node points back to the first node, forming a circle. It can be singly or doubly linked.


struct Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;

Here, data stores the value of the element, and next is a pointer to the next node in the list.

Basic Operations

1. Insertion: Adding elements to the list
  • At the beginning: Insert a node at the head of the list.
  • At the end: Traverse the list and insert a node at the tail.
  • At a specific position: Insert a node at a given position.
2. Deletion: Removing elements from the list
  • From the beginning: Remove the head node.
  • From the end: Traverse to the second-last node and set its next pointer to NULL.
  • From a specific position: Remove the node at a given index.
3. Traversal: Visit each node in the list to process or display its data.
4. Searching: Find an element in the list by comparing the value of each node’s data.
5. Reversing: Reverse the order of nodes in the list.
// Function to insert a node at the beginning
void insertAtBeginning(Node*& head, int newData) {
    Node* newNode = new Node();
    newNode->data = newData;
    newNode->next = head;
    head = newNode;
// Function to insert a node at the end
void insertAtEnd(Node*& head, int newData) {
    Node* newNode = new Node();
    newNode->data = newData;
    newNode->next = nullptr;

    if (head == nullptr) {
        head = newNode;

    Node* temp = head;
    while (temp->next != nullptr) {
        temp = temp->next;
    temp->next = newNode;


Algorithm for implementation of linked list

Step 1: Define a Class for the Node

  1. Create a class Link to represent a node of the linked list.
  2. Inside the class:
    • Declare an integer data to store the value of the node.
    • Declare a pointer next of type Link* to store the address of the next node.

Step 2: Define the Constructor

  1. Create a constructor Link(int num) that takes an integer parameter:
    • Set data equal to num (the value passed during object creation).
    • Initialize next to NULL, meaning that the current node doesn’t point to any other node.

Step 3: Create a Node in Main Function

  1. In the main function:
    • Declare a pointer l1 of type Link* and dynamically allocate memory for it using new.
    • Initialize the node with the value 6 by calling the constructor.

Step 4: Print Node Data and Pointer to Next Node

  1. Use cout to print the value of the node (l1->data).
  2. Print the address stored in next using l1->next, which should be NULL for this node.

Step 5: End the Program

  1. Return 0 to indicate successful completion of the program.

Algorithm for adding node at begenning

Step 1: Define the Node Class

  1. Create a class named Node to represent each node in the linked list.
  2. Inside the class:
    • Declare an integer value to store the value of the node.
    • Declare a pointer next of type Node* to point to the next node in the list.
  3. Define a constructor Node(int data):
    • Set value to the parameter data.
    • Initialize next to NULL, indicating no next node.

Step 2: Define the Function to Insert at Head

  1. Define a function insertAtHead(Node* &head, int value) to insert a new node at the beginning of the list:
    • Create a new Node object named new_node and initialize it with the value.
    • Set the next pointer of new_node to the current head.
    • Update head to point to new_node.

Step 3: Define the Function to Display the List

  1. Define a function display(Node* head) to print the elements of the linked list:
    • Initialize a temporary pointer temp to head.
    • While temp is not NULL, do the following:
      • Print the value of the current node followed by " -> ".
      • Move temp to the next node (temp = temp->next).
    • After the loop, print "NULL" to indicate the end of the list.

Step 4: Implement the Main Function

  1. In the main function:
    • Declare a pointer head of type Node* and initialize it to NULL to represent an empty list.
    • Call insertAtHead(head, 4) to insert the value 4 at the head and display the list.
    • Call insertAtHead(head, 5) to insert the value 5 at the head and display the list again.
    • Call insertAtHead(head, 10) to insert the value 10 at the head and display the list one final time.

Step 5: End the Program

  1. Return 0 from the main function to indicate successful completion of the program.


We learnt the use of linked list in this experiment.