Banter is a feature-rich Discord clone built with React, Redux Toolkit, Next.JS, TypeScript, styled-components, Tailwind CSS, and uses Firebase to communicate with the back-end.
- alceilPune
- Ceci-AguileraAmazon
- DarkPhoenix2704@TinkerHub @dev-icet @nocodb
- EdsonACortese
- Edsoncortese
- emreeeaykut
- hardikjain29Berlin
- i-am-sam-codesSan Francisco, Ca
- icielWorld
- iggix
- jessej-samuel@dscvitc
- joshuaHallee
- josiiahCanada
- JunSehwanNextpus
- kotaroyamazakiJapan
- Kyzegs
- letamEarth
- LuluNwenyiLagos, Nigeria
- mahfuz4223Dhaka,Tangail
- menaheero
- mvandermeulenFivenynes
- Nadezzs
- og-7
- pavros9Vologda
- pawap90
- RoisfaoziCiamis
- SashenJayathilakaUndergraduate Deakin University
- tasmia-rafiq
- thaalesalvesPrimeIT
- thediligent
- uptonkingWuhan
- Walf-devDouala
- X-RafaelimTetrapi-Creative Solutions
- xchanmolxManigos Information Technology Solutions
- xiggeushPoland
- ziccodinho