
Sign in with YouTube to batch process your video descriptions through six string replacement functions. Useful for updating social media, links or any repetitive information

Primary LanguageCSS

YouTube Descriptions Updater

Web server implementation of the YouTube Descriptions Updater. Users will be able to sign in with their youtube account and select videos to update. The descriptions can be batch processed with six different string replacement functions suitable for link replacement, entire section replacement and recovery files. The goal of this program is to create as much automation as possible for YouTube creators :)

Before you get started

Get familiar with the structure of my website. This project is an extension of and will ultimately become integrated in my website so the proper conventions must be followed as described in https://github.com/DevonCrawford/Personal-Website

Get started

  • Install node js on your machine
  • cd to root directory, type "npm install" for dependencies
  • type "npm run dev" to start the server
  • Go to http://localhost:8082

Main server file


Homepage HTML



Choose any problem that you want to solve, fork it and name the branch after it. I will review all pull requests and give feedback until the code can be integrated into master.


Currently the app is not setup for concurrent users as the credentials are stored in local memory. We must store the youtube api token inside of a session. Passport.js looks like a good library to assist with this. http://www.passportjs.org/ I am still researching this and will implement this ASAP

String replacement (backend)

Six string replacement functions need to be written to update the descriptions. When I am talking about a "section" I mean a grouped area of text that has no new lines between it but has new lines around it. Such as this paragraph. The title "String manipulation (backend)" would be the identifier of the section.

  1. Input section Header (identifier). Only the title will be identified and the section will be replaced in its entirety.
  2. Input both section Header and Keys. Must have all the same keys inside of header to be matched (ie key value pairs)
  3. Grouping of tags replacement. Tags must be in a section (no space between, but space around) however we do not care about a title or identifier.
  4. Multiple links independent from each other. If I were to simply enter a list of links I want replaced it would replace the old ones with the new. This can be used for links since they are unique enough to not conflict when searching
  5. Extract sections out of upload defaults. Then update sections based on upload defaults. Each youtube creator has an "upload defaults". The idea is that a creator can set their upload defaults so new videos have updated links and then use this software to extract the sections and update their old video descriptions automagically.
  6. Recovery files (files must be named Video_Id.txt). Upload any number of these recovery files and it will entirely replace the descriptions with the contents of these text files.

Recovery Files (backend)

Before any description is updated we want to create a recovery file in the following structure:

    • [VIDEO_ID]
    • [VIDEO_ID]
    • [VIDEO_ID]
    • [VIDEO_ID]
    • [VIDEO_ID]

In case of catastrophic events we want to have a backup of every description that has ever been modified on the app. We also need a function for the user to download their own recovery files in case of a mistake. So we can use our replacement function #6 to recover the descriptions.

UI, Front End

  1. We need a second table similar to the search results table. The user must be able to select one of six string replacement functions (from a drop down) which may then open more options as we require different input for each string replacement function. See exactly what I mean in # String replacement. This second table will display realtime results from the descriptions updater.. on success there should be some green highlight or checkmark, on fail there should be some red highlight or X. Use the same columns as the search table I have created except add another column for "Status".

  2. When a user clicks on a row of the table (of videos) it should construct a link to take them to the youtube video manager page.

For example we have a VideoId = Gp6T2UscHwc

then our URL would be https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=Gp6T2UscHwc

  1. We need user interfaces to interact with all of the functionaly described in this TODO list... read through the entire document and I'm sure you will find many things that still need to be done. Virtually every function I have described in the backend (string replacement & recover files) will need user interfaces.

Config (client_secret.json is invalid!)

If you are serious about developing this software and would like to sign in with youtube and do testing please email me for the client_secret.json. This contains the api connector information which is required for google to allow usage of their api. Ultimately this will be placed in _config/client_secret.json