
Daily Review: Lesson 8.0 - Intro to React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lesson 8.0 Review

Essential Questions

1. What is the virtual DOM?

2. What is a component?

3. What is JSX?


Answer the following questions using the index.html and app.js files in this repo.

  1. Pull in React, ReactDOM, and Babel from a CDN.

  2. Without using JSX, create and render a React element. This element should render the words Hello, World as an h1 HTML element. It should have a class of "header".

  3. Create a component Header that takes a prop, title an renders it as h1 element.

  4. Create a Card compenent based on this mock-up. card mock-up.

  5. Create a NavBar component. It should display an unordered list of page links. These links should be generated from an array of objects. The objects should have the page title as a key and the page hyperlink as the value.

    const pageData = [{"About": "/about"}, {"Our Team": "/team"}, {"Pricing": "/pricing"}];
    <NavBar pages={pageData} /`>