QIOT Hackfest Air Quality Management Service

Master Branch

Why this service?

This service is used to manage the other services present on the Weather Station.

It allows a few operations:

  • user-info
  • serial
  • health
  • upgrade-services


All these functionalities are exposed at /admin/{name}, where name is the functionalities name.


This endpoint prints your username or email, depending if you're authenticated with a devoteam.com account.


This endpoint prints the serial number of the raspberry pi, or throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the file does not exist or cannot be access.


This endpoint aggregates the health endpoint of the other services. This means that it queries the internal components, and checks their health endpoints.

upgrade-services - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.

This endpoint is quite dangerous, and as such can only be operated by a devoteam.com account. We would not want you breaking our stuff, would we. ;-) After being triggered, this endpoint will terminate the internal components of the pi. It will update the containers by pulling down the latest, and start the corresponding services.

Running the container on the raspberry

podman run -d -p 8081:8081 --network=qiot --privileged --name=air-quality-management bentaljaard/air-quality-management:aarch64-latest