EJS extension for asynchronous template load

  • Load EJS template files asynchronously in browser.
  • include support in browser, and it loads included templates recursively.


Example code is located in /example directory.

How to use

First, load EJS and this extension in your HTML page.

  <script src="ejs-2.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="ejs-browser-async.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


ejs.renderAsync(path, data, callback)

  • path: relative to the page, or absolute path of the ejs template file
  • data: parameters that you want to pass to the templates
  • callback: callback function that gives you rendered string. callback has two arguments, error and rendered.
    • error: Error object if error occurs, otherwise null.
    • rendered: Rendered string result.

Example code of ejs.renderAsync

      sitename: 'EJS Async',
      copyright: 'Devrama.com'
    function(err, rendered){
        var el = document.getElementById('ejs-render');
        el.innerHTML = rendered;
      else {
        throw new Error('EJS template error!');
