A Repo That Contains Many X-Tra Plugins From FridayDevs And Third Parties.
from main_startup.core.decorators import friday_on_cmd
from main_startup.helper_func.basic_helpers import edit_or_reply
"help": "This is A TEST",
"example": "{ch}helloworld"
async def hello_world(client, message):
mg = await edit_or_reply(message, "`Hello World! This Works!`")
from main_startup.core.decorators import listen
@listen(filters.mentioned & ~filters.me)
async def mentioned_(client, message):
await message.reply_text("`Hello World! Btw Why Did You Mention Me?`")
- Contributers Are Always Welcome. You Can Contribute To This Project With Your Plugins.
- Just Create A Pull Request With Your Plugin And Some Info in Description.
- Please Make Sure Your Plugin Passes The GuideLines.
- No Stealing. Please Don't Steal Any Plugins.
- If You Have Ported The Plugin, Make Sure To Mention Real Creator Of The Plugin.
- Plugin Should Be Linted Before Creating Pull Request.
- Make Sure Your Plugin Doesn't Already Exists In Repo.
- Please Don't Make Duplicate Pull Requests.
Thats All, Happy Contributing!