
Open Souce Bike Navigation Platform


A Open Souce Bike Navigation Platform

The Idea

All Navigation Options for (Motor)Bikes are either expensive or a big distraction. I'm trying to develop a Open Source System for solving that problem.

In the End it's supposed to look, feel and work similar to the Beeline Moto, so turn by turn navigation.

You don't need to use some weird extra Maps App, just plan your route using Google Maps and the Companion will automatically use that route.

I'm not a professional, actually I'm really using this project to learn something new. Please don't purely rely on this (yet), as its still in a very early stage of development


Android Companion App

The Android Companion App is written in Dart using Flutter. It reads the Navigation Notification and uses it to display the turns on the Hardware Device.


Currently, none. For testing i will be using a Board of the Opensmartwatch Project. At least for looks it's very similar to the reference Product. Later, i might design custom Hardware based on the OSW Board.