
A collection of resources and assignments that we recommend for beginners :)

DevSoc curriculums 🚀

Made with love

A collection of resources and assignments that we recommend for beginners <3.

Git and Github (version control)((basic))

Mobile Development

Mobile Development

Start your journey in Mobile Development here

Web Development

Mobile Development

Start your journey in Web Development here

Game Development

Mobile Development

Start your journey in Game Development here

User Interface and User Experience Design


Start your journey in UI/UX Design here

All the best for your development journey ahead!

Keep learning, keep developing

Giving Suggestions

We are always open to updating our roadmap / adding other resources. If you find any mistake or would like to add anything to these roadmaps, feel free to open a PR. 🚀

Our members have worked really hard trying to make these for everyone, so if you feel that these have helped you, do star ⭐ the repo and show your love.