
This django based web app is able to send invitations and withdraw older invitations.As of now We can chose number of connections and target people group like 'python developer' etc. as of now. We are improving this web app continuously and adding more features to it, we are currently looking forward on add a note funcionality while sending invitations. We are also scraping data from profiles we send invitations for the sake of analysis and prediction.

We are also working on message automation currently, very soon we will be able to automate messages. In this area we added a feature to send a greeting message to whom we connected within 24 hours. We are working on a chatbot too.

Furthermore we are looking forward to perform some analysis to enhance this web app as well as our LinkedIn profile...

System Requirements and Specifications

Python version 3.6 or more









chrome Driver of version as your chrome browser have(in this I used v84)


Must have a capable text editor (preferably vs code )

All required Environment variable paths must be set ( generally python and conda )

You should be able to create a virtual environment.

If you are unable to set up all things. Don't Worry, Follow this

Still You find any difficulty getting all the requirements ready , please don't hesitate to mail me on I'll try to reply you soon.

Steps for installations and use

1. download this code as it is

2. enter your login credentials in config.txt file and save it.

3. open a terminal of your choice

4. create a virtual environment , activate it.

5. jump to the automation folder where file is present

6. enter command - python runserver

7. this will open a chrome window* don't close that all the activities gonna held there.

8. copy the webserver address that is provided by django server gererally it is paste it on a new chrome tab hit enter.

9. now press login button

10. see if this sign you on that chrome window

11. now to send invitations , enter the keyword choose number of connections and press send button

12. to withdraw older invitations you can click on withdraw button

13. To send a greeting message to whom we connected within 24 hours , press Send Greeting button.