
A Python wrapper for the AwanLLM API to easily generate text and chat completions.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AwanLLM API Wrapper

This Python API wrapper provides an easy way to interact with the AwanLLM language models, allowing you to use the capabilities of the AwanLLM platform for generating text completions and chat-based interactions.


To use this API wrapper, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can install the required library by running:

pip install awan-llm-api


Setting Up

First, you need to set up your API key and select a model. You can find the list of available models on the AwanLLM website.

from awan_llm_api import AwanLLMClient, Role
from awan_llm_api.completions import Completions, ChatCompletions

MODEL = "Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct"  # Replace with your chosen model

client = AwanLLMClient(AWANLLM_API_KEY)

Chat Completion Example

To generate a chat completion, you need to create a ChatCompletions instance, add messages to it, and then request a completion from the client.

# Initialize a ChatCompletions instance
chat = ChatCompletions(MODEL)

# Add a user message to the chat
chat.add_message(Role.USER, "Hello !")

# Request a chat completion
chat_response = client.chat_completion(chat)

# Print the chat response

Text Completion Example

To generate a text completion, you need to create a Completions instance with a prompt and then request a completion from the client.

# Initialize a Completions instance with a prompt
completion = Completions(MODEL, "Here's how you can make a cake using pizza:")

# Request a text completion
completion_response = client.completion(completion)

# Print the completion response

Getting Help

For more details, check the AwanLLM API documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.