iOS DexCareSDK

Contains the source framework of the iOS DexcareSDK for express care services.

Swift Package Manger

iOS SDK is available via SPM.

To install, add the following url to your dependencies being sure to target 9.1.1 or greater


iOS SDK is available via a PodSpec.

To install, add the following to your podfile.

 pod 'DexcareSDK', :git => ''

or if you want a specific release

pod 'DexcareSDK', :git => '', :tag => '6.1.6'

Cocoapods will install the following dependencies

  'MBProgressHUD' - Used to show a spinner when starting virtual visits
  'MessageKit' - Used in the chat view
  'OTXCFramework' - The library used when having 1:1 video conferences with your provider.
  'FittedSheets' - Controls the presentation of the virtual visits

Privacy Manifest

Apple requires all apps and SDKs to provide a privacy manifest file. The DexCare SDK contains multiple APIs, making it hard for us to create a manifest file with all the "Privacy Nutrition Label Types" as it depends on which APIs you will use. If you want to see an example of a manifest file, please look at our SampleApp.

Here is the data we collect as part of our booking processes (Virtual, Provider, or Retail):

  • Name: Used to book a visit.
  • Email Address: Used to book a visit.
  • Phone Number: Used to book a visit.
  • Physical Address: Used to book a visit.
  • Other Diagnostic Data: Used to help troubleshoot issues that could arise while using any of our APIs.

If you still have questions or need clarifications, please contact your implementation team.


Latest changes can be found in the Changelog