
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Team Exercise: Pushing and Pulling

This exercise will show the process of collaboration with different team members on a remote repository.

  • Team up with the person next to you! You'll be sharing the same repository, so decide on either one of your repositories to use. If you don't have a repository yet from a previous exercise, one of the two team members can start by forking https://github.com/kvanrobbroeck/git-course-recipes

  • Person 1 (owner):

    • To be able to share the same repository, the repository's owner needs to add access for the other team member. This is done using the server 's web interface. Here's how that's done using GitHub:


  • Person 2 (collaborator):

    • Accept the collaboration request sent to you (by email) by your team member.
  • You can now collaborate on the same project. Clone (don't fork) your shared repository to your local hard drive

  • We will now start a little race to be the first to push a change:

  • Person 1

    • In tiramisu.md, change the line 1 pound mascarpone cheese into 500g mascarpone cheese
    • Commit your changes
    • Push your changes to the server (origin)
  • Person 2

    • In tiramisu.md, change the line 3/4 cup white sugar into 85g white sugar
    • Commit your changes
    • Push your changes to the server (origin)
  • You will notice that the winner (the first one to push the change) will have no issues, but the second person does! He/she will have to first pull the changes from the server, integrate (merge) that locally, and then push again.